Im sick and tired of wageslaving

>graduateing 2019 with engineering degree
>make 100k gross
>paid off all my debt and have saved up about 50k through frugal living
>want out

i hate working for someone about work i really dont care about. engineering is boring as hell. I am thinking of going back to school for medicine. is this a good idea or is it too late? i always to maybe start a business but i feel like i dont have enough capital for that

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become an entrepreneur OP. be your own boss

>I am thinking of going back to school for medicine. is this a good idea

it's definitely a terrible idea.

And how will getting MD/DO change things. You're going to be in a glorified customer service industry, where the client base is sick dudes. Or if u salary in a lab, you prob wont be netting enough to recover your massive debt.

Tolerate it and save until 500k. Then you will probably be set to life. Be smart about property and buy appreciating assets.

>And how will getting MD/DO change things.
you have the ability to prescribe medicine. No one can do that except a doctor. you also gain the knowledge of human body and can probably save a life of extremely wealthy person if youre the only one who can do a procedure well enough. I also think doctors can easily get into politics, teaching, starting their own business etc. most are just retards who go in directly after college and their rich parents pay for everything

join an engineering consulting firm, work your ass off and learn everything you can for 3-5 years, then quit and start your own consulting business. professional services are by far the most lucrative businesses because your overhead costs are low and your hourly rate is high as fuck if you're good.

>Tolerate it and save until 500k
thats 10 years. i can be a surgeon in 10 years and make 500k a year. why not do med school (maybe find a wife there), and invest my current 50k in a house where i charge rent to other students

>he doesn't know about nurse practitioners
>he doesn't know that he's still ruled by hospital executive jews with MBAs
>he doesn't know what a press ganey score is
>he doesn't know that most people aren't worth saving

don't go to medical school you utterly moronic nigger

Or a nurse practitioner, or just don't give a fuck and direct people to pajeet internet pharmacy that doest need rx and costs 1/4 as much. Medical has a few benefits but it's soul crushing work, helping stupid evil people and all you get in return is being called an asshole for not giving 30mg dilaudid for a stubbed toe. 99% of sick people brought it on themselves and deserve to suffer. The other 1% are just a combination of stupid and unlucky.

>join an engineering consulting firm
i work for one right now. i think i get paid ok right now being that i dont do anything. im smarter than some of the senior consultants, i just really dont give a shit about designing pipelines. i got my degree because i was poor as fuck and thought id be happy with a 100k job. turns out im not

Nurse practitioners, dentists, etc can prescribe medicine relevant to their fields

how have you paid off all your student loans and saved that much if you have only been working for a year, if that?

Here in Italy the average wage is 24k euros gross. I wonder how you can be unhappy with your wage.
Also help me out


work for yourself?

>can probably save a life of extremely wealthy person

Or fuck up and get hit with malpractice. Or not even fuck up and still get hit with malpractice

You can get into politics, teaching, start business as an engineer too.

WHy are you only looking at the shiny rainbows?

Anyway, good luck on your endeavors

i know about all those things. i just think id be a good doctor and its a job id be happy in because i love biology. i just didnt do it because i wanted to make money earlier so i did engineering.

i think the cool thing about being a doctor is you have this skill that is always in demand. Every town NEEDS doctors. I can see myself treating patients after 65 even if im working part time. i cant see myself being a consultant for corporations after 65

I've been working since 2010, 2 years without job. Now I MUST be happy with my 1500€ net wage. My gf has lost her new job because coronacha. We are currently living in the house of my dead grandparents.
I as a fucking fool decided to start trading exactly at the beginning of this fucking depression, put 2000€ lost 300€.
Feel like shit, I am never doing anything. Getting out of Italy is not an option be ause of sick old parents. I believe I have good business ideas but 0 euros to invest. Wage slave to the death

When you're a little older you'll stop wanting people up your butt enough to start making your own choices and setting limits for yourself. Until then you're someones cute little wagecucky ^_^

I work in a medical field and and I feel the same way. Your ideas of what medicine is like are completely wrong, btw.

I make good money though, and I'm not a consoomer. So I've just been pumping excess funds into crypto. If shit hits the fan, oh well, I still make good money. If it moons, then I can retire early or work part time or something like that.

The point I'm making is that the grass is always greener on the other side, blah blah blah.

fair points but i kind of just want the degree for the knowledge and skillset. i think if i dont like practicing it, just the title of MD is valuable on its own and can be marketed very well.

i interned before and had some scholarships. i have been working for almost a year. after taxes my take home is like 70k. so yeah i spent like 15k on rent, food, etc. could be better i guess

Not really, no. Unless you're practicing medicine or writing a book about medicine an MD is useless. You might be dumb though, so idk, go for it.

i cant. i really dont know shit. i get paid to do excel shit

Do you realize how expensive medical school is? then factor in many years of residency where you'll be making next-to-nothing, and even then, good fucking luck getting that 500k/yr surgery job you think would just drop into your lap.

Most MDs don't even break even until they're like 50 years old, and that's probably assuming they took a normal pathway rather than already having a different career and then going back to school to start from square one.

medicine and biology are two different fields. i was actually a medical student in the US. i majored in math, almost had a minor in biology. wanted to be a doctor because i really enjoyed bio classes, especially cellular/molecular bio. turns out that medical school is just memorizing pages out of a fucking textbook at breakneck speeds. (i remember one our biochemistry/molecular biology exams was based on 2000 powerpoint slides we covered in about 4 weeks of class.) it was fucking awful and i hated it, so i quit.

they do get to fuck as many nurses as they want though

i dunno, i never spent a lot of money. been poor most of my life as a kid. i still live a frugal life. like even if im broke and doing something i like, i feel like id be happy. i just dont like my job i guess

>graduated high school
>Sit at home playing vidya
>find out about crypto
>buy BTC
>sell eventually all in LINK
Currently have 140k LINK you mad wagie?

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Medicine is way too much effort. Just become a NEET & flip shitcoins, it's far more rewarding as a career.

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>Or fuck up and get hit with malpractice. Or not even fuck up and still get hit with malpractice
hosptials cover this
and if you work for yourself, you get malpractice insurance

>You can get into politics, teaching, start business as an engineer too.
teaching, and start a business yes. but i dont really talk to anyone except people at work. A doctor talks to a lot of people in a town and hence is creating social capital. they are also held to higher regard in society because they are seen as heros by normies. especailly after this pandemic. fucking dermatologists are getting back pats

This is what pisses me off the most about engineering, they don't really teach you anything. They waste 4 years of your life with math and at the end they say "here's a program that does all the math for you and it turns out employers only care about your skill with the program and not your math skills, good luck!"

have fun with the hospital's HR department after her opinion of you inevitably sours for one reason or another, and your fling gets rewritten into a case of sexual harassment

hey you got a discord or something. would love to talk with you about a few things regarding your experience. yeah i know its more about brute memorization in medical school though. have a couple friends in med school. one got into langone (NYU) and its really cozy for him.

one thing about medicine that i also find really appealing is the job security. i feel like nothing is more secure than medicine in that regard

Absolutely based.

Oh wow, you can fuck aging whores just as they hit the wall & need to feed Tyrones baby. Amazing.

this is why I hate italians

how do you have a gf if youre broke?
i feel like i cant ask out anyone if i dont have money to support them and quite frankly i dont spend a lot on myself so i dont see myself spending on anyone else until i have a networth of at least 500k

I won't discourage any further. If you're serious get it touch with the hospital and shadow for a few shifts and get a feel for things. Some people like it, I think. Just know what you are getting into here.