With an overall stale market and penny flippers spooked out of the micro oil stocks, I see this getting A LOT of looks Monday morning. Being an island of green on Friday has caught some eyes.



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thanks OP!

np pal!

shut up schizo

You see this pulling another uavs with the overall market probably down tomorrow?

Don't forget to sell before the conference call on Friday not DURING

Looking forward at least a couple grand of profit from this thing next week. $1 calls are ridiculously cheap and this will obviously go above $1 before the conference call

so many retards who actually believed UAVS was going to be sold to amazon got caught holding the bag during the call. fucking idiots. I imagine literally the same exact people on this board will do the same thing with MVIS, it's not like your warnings are going to help. These are sick people, true degenerates.

Agreed brother inshallah our calls do us well

Based. Lets do it. We need an MVIG general

How many contracts you guys picking up

>will obviously go above $1
Going to $3.5 at least

Thanks, but no thanks. The whole market is likely to to begin an epic crash tomorrow.
Anyone who's thinking of gambling a penny stock based on a collaboration with a big player should consider that the big player is likely going to sink down the shit chute with the rest of the market.

Short the markets

UAVS pumped during last week's market pumps user



Thank me Friday

Buy on the rumor, sell on the news.

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Whats the expiry on everyone's contract? May 15th? Or does it need more time.

Why should I buy this stock? tell me one reason

>Thank me Friday
why those stocks bro?

What time is the conference?

is pretending you dont know about id's a Zig Forums meme or does this samefag not know about ids? honest question.

Do your own DD

I gave you the lead

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go back

The stock is at .50 cents and the rumors are growing they say the deal with Microsoft might actually go thru

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I just put 2 orders expire on the 15 too, all in fuck it

Attached: download (4).jpg (225x225, 8.25K)

pnd is a pnd user. a lot of people made pretty good profit getting out of UAVS at the right time. im just gonna get some of this tomorrow and sell that shit on thursday. idgaf if theres an actual partnership or whatever the fuck, theres too much bullshit surrounding it but i know other people will pump the shit out of it for me, i just wanna double these trumpbux baybee


Conference is on Thursday at 5PM
Why would you sell on Friday?
Unless you really think it will blow up (which it could).

All these idiots still think it’s Friday for some reason. Just proves how misinformed people are on this company

I have 300 shares because I’m a pussy. Should I load the fuck up?