You need millions of dollars to compensate for your subhuman genes.
Incel trait
Other urls found in this thread:
that's alright
i'd still be rich so it'll be ok
>tfw bigger than the guy on the right but much uglier
What's the financial ramifications of that ?
Whom else ogre nigga here
>incel posters use windows media player
It's poetry retard, as in "that was poetic"
I swear dumbasees like you are a diamond dozen
It’s dumb-asses, not dumbasees, you retraad
>incels unironically watch global news
if everyone on Zig Forums was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely.
i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second
think on
youre a weak little bitch I would FUCK you up
Think again fucker!
That faggot on the right doesn't do leg training.
5’10 260lb elite level powerlifter. Come get some boys
5 foot 8 210lb brute here. youd get FUCKED faggot
>6’ 170 wiener body here
>Name is David
>I’m pretty good at throwing rocks
Kek, diamond dozen. Joke was not lost on me user.
no it's pottery, sweaty
learn to spell
post body and time stamp or stfu and stop larping
Think again fucker.
4'10" 600lb goblin master over here, literally invincible. You're just meat to me
is this pasta?
I own a firearm. Imagine years of slaving away, being fat as fuck, no pussy, all washed down the drain with one pull of a trigger?
6'3 210lbs ex-Marine and can still comfortably hit a target 1,000 yards out with a shitty M24 system. I own both of you.
>just be confident bro
>just get a haircut bro
>just dress well bro
>millions of dollars to compensate for your subhuman genes.
Try billions.
Why are you talking about killing yourself?
if everyone on Zig Forums was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely.
Height and weight, pussy.
Underrated post
get lean to look better, beard will help
You might be gym Zig Forums but I have the retard strength of ten men. I will chimp out on you in such a way that you will be mentally and physically scared and 10 seconds later I will go back to eating my chips like nothing happened while you die in a pool of your own shit.