What will the stock market look like tomorrow?

What will the stock market look like tomorrow?

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small dip at open, recovery over the rest of the day.


Some of you say otherwise

DOW gonna drop 1500 min each day.

We're going to have another major crash in a couple weeks, but not tomorrow.

How come in a couple of weeks?

end of seasonal strenght, less obvious moment.

now with buffett elon musk etc everyone expects a drop, too easy.

when it becomes obvious we need to go back to lockdown

The "virus" will pick up again as states reopen; market will go back into panic mode. Lockdowns will be implemented again; market will go into panic mode. A brief period of stability will follow, then the cycle repeats. This is the new normal. Deal with it.

I said it before, I'll say it again.

Theres nothing more comfy than holding SQQQ

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If we couldn't afford to shut down 50% of our economy for a month there's no way we're going to survive doing it every other month for the rest of the year.

we might make it through one more cycle of this, but nobody's betting on even that much.

How low do you all predict the DOW could drop?

Holding 324.
Am I selling?
>pic related

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SQQQ calls and XLK puts , spy puts, TVIX calls, and the best bets this month I think will be GLD Puts LQD Puts

Anyone have any etf that I’m not in yet, looking at drip again too

I'm looking for below 10.

it depends how things go though. If we reopen slowly and cases don't go up fast then I'm going to be way wrong. But as we currently stand I'm watching for another major crash.

Depends on the suicide rate.

I think the moneyprinter is failing. People are starting to catch on. Not socialist people, but everyone else understands why we can't do that forever

Fags saying we'll need to go back into lockdown. Countries like Sweden never went into lockdown and were fine. I think the reality of our unfolding financial crisis and the unemployment will be the foundation for the crash, though. Defaults on lines of credit, a lack of new purchases. Joblessness that starts and maintains in the low 10%, which is low enough that we can tell those people to fuck off and die before Republicans vote to grant them additional bailouts. But as the financial crisis gains momentum then the unemployment levels will creep upward into the middle class, and Republicans may finally grant additional monetary relief, but only because by then motherfuckers will actually be Molotiving their homes and doing drivebys on them as they get out of their cars to go to work.

By the time a UBI is implemented we'll be well on our way to fullblown revolution and of course the cuckservatives will be sitting at home, watching it on TV and saying "someone needs to do something".

These idiots have been shorting for the last 3 years, don't listen to the bobos user.

the markets are undroppable

Bitch I was shorting in January and made a nice haul by mid-March. I sold because the Fed announced an unlimited amount of QE and shit-tier bond purchases, and sure enough it went up. I don't know what the stock market will do from here, but I can imagine it going either way. Regardless, I believe the reality of our economy is we're going down. Whether the stock market reflects that (as it should, but might not) is yet to be determined.

Liquidity means nothing when companies are insolvent, printing can only hold it up until the majority of companies can’t pay the interest on their debts

like a gay nigger fucking a white trap in the ass and the white trap is apologising profusely for slavery and the black faggot bvll keeps going like he's not even hearing a word of the apologies because both are screaming and moaning in ecstacy and both have HIV. in other words, the SnP500 will be down 0.9%.

markets are immune because they can print more money.

Couldn't have said it better myself

the trannypoasters broke me and i don't give a fuck anymore. is that a man? is that a woman? who cares. as long as it has a hole and moans like a little feminine slut.

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Fuck off back to CVG, this has peaked. The deliberate implosion of the economy, however, hasnt.

No you're right. This is a resetting of the economy. as we know it including currency as several prominent fund managers and economists have forecasted.

The general consensus is tech companies will keep growing and swallowing all the startups while the majority of companies will be unable to stay above water. Every etf is so similar now that the original creator of ETFs was in his death bed warning of the coming implosion just months ago. I’m not saying everything is gonna fail but looking at the etfs, this is where The best short opportunities exist in the short term, then picking individual tech positions. Goog amzn msft orc tsla etc etc

I hope so. I want to get out of several positions.

So easy money than right? I only seem to make money in stocks when its very volatile.