Can a retard like me actually beat the market, or is it all luck?

Can a retard like me actually beat the market, or is it all luck?

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>Beat the market
If you aim to beat the market your in for a bad time. If your aim is to do as well as the market you've got the right mindset.

So I should just hodl s&p500?

God I want to grab her waist so bad and just start pounding. I think this is a primal instinct or something. I think the same thing every time I see a hot woman bent over

imagine the smell

That is a

fellow retard, listen to this. This is the best chance we'll have to beat the market, do not let big brains seduce you into gambling. When if feels like your stock of choice has been sufficiently raped, acquire it. Then you must not waiver, this is the hard part. I just lied to you, the hard part is waiting a year or two (this has to be done)(you must appreciate this!) Come 2022 you will have honed the most demanding skill & >2x your money. This will not be told to you yet has proven true time and time again

Also somebody know if Tvix is a good buy?

Just imagine a nice full stream of diarrhea flowing through both sides of her bikini and right on to your face, that would be cool right?

I can see his ballsack.


yes but only if you end up with more corn than u started with. otherwise no. usd value doesn't matter.

Wow, she looks like she works out with thighs like that. I bet she could shit out a turd like a firehose and put out the heat I am in as I imagine smelling her sweet poop nectar.

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You can look into what they call "value investing", which is stock picking using more business fundamentals for long term holds.

Absolutely based scat poster

I would like to beat his cheeks

>beat the market
you mean being in profit (%) more than FAANG with your own business?
that's pretty much the only way to "beat the market"

Turn face not ass to people ...

All luck chief. The only way a retard can make money trading is by following these iron clad rules:

1) Never short
2) Never use leverage
3) Never sell lower than the price you bought, even if that means waiting for weeks or months for the price to come back if it went the wrong way.

As soon as you think you can start LARPing as a pro trader (eg: using stop losses, sell low/re-buy lower, etc), your days are basically numbered and it's only a matter of time before you get fucking rekt.

Btw you won't make a ton of money trading this way, but at least you'll make some, and you won't ever lose it all.

after this lockdown im so coomed out all I see are two bumpy chicken thighs

The best you could do is not lose money. Go S&P 500 ETF and sell before any major drops (basically just don’t be afraid to take profits every once in a while), buy into dips, and hodl.

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anyone can beat the market, but over long enough of a timeframe you wont.

Imagine no one around and you just walk up with a boner lubed in Ky jelly and a tube sock over your head. Tackle that bitch from behind, slide that bikini off to the right with your fingers and just start pumping like a /biz shilled penny stock. Nut all inside her, rip her bikini off and punch her hard as you can in the face. Take off running and pocket that bikini for future sniff coom sessions.

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I hope you like big black cock.
A sweet biztard rapist like your self will be very popular with the inmates.

Go become a man and learn how to fuck wiling pussy.. kek

Based rapist coomer

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that's a man. (with a non-botched neovagina)

>t. SEETHING roastie

based coomer

Sounds like a lot of work.

>sell before any major drops
9000 IQ play

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Lol the roastie thinks these posts are real.

>actual coomer: stand behind bush and fap while chad fucks her

no one here is "people"

I hate coomers

this guy is kind of based though

pay a pajeet to do it


No. No you will not make it taking advice from biztards on 4 chan.

Almost everything i read on here is false information..kek

Cesspool of fucking retards

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Why would I pay a pajeet to do it if I was the alleged rapist that wanted to fuck her, why would I pay someone else to do it..

don't post your face here you'll get doxxed

>1) Never short
>2) Never use leverage
>3) Never sell lower than the price you bought, even if that means waiting for weeks or months for the price to come back if it went the wrong way.

stop enabling modern slavery shithead