Every HR department is filled with giga-leftist thots

Every HR department is filled with giga-leftist thots.

I can't stand this shit.

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HR and Finance are the enemy
Finance will lie there’s no money for it
HR will lie there’s no law for it

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Accumulate link and disregard women, especially if they work for HR
We’re having a two hour long black lives matter zoom discussion on Wednesday. Wish they’d just lay me off so I can get unemployment.
50k link holder.

Start your own business or trade and you won't have to worry about HR thots and niggers

I had an interview with HR for a technical job literally just 3 days ago and she said "why do you want to work here?" My response "Inclusivity and real diversity here". HR lady goes into a 5 minute talk about how they have loads of people of all races and genders at their company and how wonderful it is that I'll be getting involved with their groups (think Black Engineers, Young Professional Native Americans", etc.). I'm white.
I think I played it really well though.

That tranny on the bottom left is nightmare fuel.

Are these what Brazilians look like? They're whiter than white Americans.

Every woman ever is a whore.

Hello? Is this the based department?

I would fuck that thing in the ass and suck its cock for a job at that firm.
Hell, is there anywhere I can sign up to do this?

no shit, you have to be the kind of person to give a shit about HR and genuinely hate fun to get a job in HR

If you're a leftist, in today's current cultural climate, it's means you're a normie conformist who doesn't question much (and I'm not saying the right is any better, just different problems). That sort of personality is extremely desirable when it comes to getting into and excelling in the workforce in general, but often in the corporate environment too.

Conforming has an extreme amount of benefits, in the sense that you'll have many tangible things to show that you're progressing through life (like you're own home, or whatever). But, my goodness, do you just have to force yourself to be a complete fucking zombie who will buy into whatever any authority figure says.

conservatives are a liability in any compliance department because the public and the courts are liberal.

so you guys get the shit jobs digging ditches where nobody is likely to sue our company for your retarded and backwards political and religious views.

You need to lay off the women bashing. A woman in a position in power frightens you incels don't they?


I beat women.

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You can easily avoid having your fate decided by them by not being a pathetic fucking wageslave, ya know?

stunning and brave

>normie conformist who doesn't question much
Exactly the opposite (though there are exceptions to the rule). Leftists are the ones who advocate change, they fight against the status quo and the established norms, or in your words don't question much. Look up the definition of liberal, distilled it's really just someone who wants change.

It's obviously not as simple as being on the left or the right, there are a spectrum of policies to break down - fiscal and social. But to say that the left doesn't question much is preposterous considering most of the intelligentsia has typically been "left" and it's much more difficult to find intellectuals that are on the right.

As for the corporate structure, it has to do with protecting your company from a legal perspective. Also trans rights are eerily reminiscent of gay rights, we've done this before. Conservatives won't win this down the road and trying to legislate sexuality is a lost cause.

Trans rights are not equivalent. It's not naturalistic falacy to assert that homosexuality is a more normal behavior than mutilating your real genitals into neo genitals that are non functional and abusing hormones to satisfy a sexual fetish.

>leftists question the status quo
>the status quo is leftist

it comes as no surprise that indoctrinated “liberals” (an insult to the word) truly believe they are advocating for change (in reality, they are “fighting“ the sanitized battles already pre-framed for them by their superiors) or that their dominance of academia is due to merit as opposed to extortion and intimidation

“modern leftists” are disgusting on an intellectual level because there is no intellectual progress being made, every leftist movement is tribal, regressive, and destructive, they are the dogma-beating ideological zealots of our time and the saddest thing is that they will never know any better

To take my experience from covid-19, it's those on the left who firstly made claims of discrimination against the Chinese, when proposals were put forth to start taking action against covid-19. In the early days of covid-19, among the videos I watched about it, I watched Stefan Molyneux's (and, yeah, I know he has his issues), he was actually among the earliest to be concerned about it, and he would frequently address left-leaning media outlets or politicians in European countries, or the US, who were against taking measures to control, out of concerns of discrimination.

Then, things started to get more serious in terms of deaths and spread, and lockdowns started to be ordered. The initial push back against this usually came from right leaning (although though not exclusively) people, who questioned the validity of the WHO, the rate of infection (R-naught values), the amount of hospital deaths being attributed to covid-19 in hospitals with potential financial incentives, hospitals being empty. They even started to protest to go back work, seeing that businesses and jobs were getting hit hard. Continually, left leaning people would be against and you should just "listen scientists and the data", and hydroxychloroquinone was politicized because Trump mentioned it. A whole bunch of stuff, and of course it wasn't left/right leaning people exclusive to either group.

Then, all of a sudden, this George Floyd stuff. Left leaning people were so heavily against disagreeing with the scientists/doctors/data, but all of sudden didn't give a shit about social distancing and went out and protested this, as the media worked up everyone.

From that example, it seems to me certain left leaning people are more likely to conform to authority (whether they be cultural, scientific -and not all scientists I should mention, or political).

Discrimination based on race or sexual preference were, and to an extent, are still issues, but they're manipulative tools now.

This will ultimately be established scientifically as we uncover more secrets of the brain, but as it stands we know very little about how our own brains function. Associating with the opposite gender however is extremely boring in the grand scheme of things, considering the vast complexity, nuance and wonder of the universe it's really not interesting. It's mostly based on aesthetics - notice how there is much less vitriol towards gay/trans rights for biological women. This is at least in part due to the fact that men simply get uncomfortable more so from a visual standpoint (this can be summed up simply by the fact that you don't see men getting as grossed out by lesbians). It's aesthetics.

If there are people that are biologically attracted to their own gender, I don't think it's a stretch to say there are people that identify with their own gender. So to say that men cannot identify as women or vice versa is really just taking a shot in the dark, again, relative to the wonder of the universe it's just not terribly uninteresting especially when we simply don't understand the science yet.

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No, this is getting too caught up with words and partisan politics. It's sports mentality - rooting for your team and loathing the other blindly. It's not as simple as left vs right. It's more nuanced than that. There is stupidity on the left, just as there is stupidity on the right; the stupidity is usually found on the extremes. But we need each side to keep the other in check. A world with only those on the "right" or the "left" would be disaster. Each side curbs the other and a balance is met. This psychological political structure is found in most modern governments because it works.

To oversimplify it, if the "left" gets away with too much - we enter a non-pragmatic, idealist world that ignores too much of what has worked in the past. If the "right" gets away with too much, we simply don't evolve ethically or socially. You need only look at countries that are more authoritarian and ultra conservative to see how backwards they are.

You need both sides.

Why do you think corporate culture went so PC and faggy? Men don't care to be little hitlers about that shit, squarely in the female domain.

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>Young Professional Native Americans
Where do you live? Wyoming? Native Americans are literally only 0.2% of the population.

Not my mother

I don’t care about the political spectrum or the neat aphoristic reality you inhabit. If I’m going to borrow your worldview for a moment, then at the moment there is FAR too much “left”, whatever that is supposed to be, which has translated to intellectual suppression. Your “left” is obsessed with imaginary divisions in society, and if one even questions the precepts behind “modern leftist” positions they are immediately accused of being anti-society and ostracized. There is no ethical conversation taking place, there is browbeating assisted by corporate stoogery. It is social de-evolution
case in point is this blather about “science” when racial genetics is a forbidden topic outside of epidemiology and gender theory is literally pseudoscience invented and perpetuated by charlatans

First off the media is dogshit. Kids should be taught at an early age that the media sensationalizes everything as much as possible - it's an entertainment business.

But what's interesting is, the media doesn't sell to us - they sell to the advertisers (corporations). We live in a plutocracy where we are fed to an extent what to believe. These are two important things to keep in mind.

As for Covid, again, the media is going to play the "you're always wrong, we're always right" game with Trump, because he plays the same game. Trump and the media keep sinking to lower lows. They're both incompetent for the most part.

On this point I think it's funny and very telling that the media is stuck with playing the "Trump didn't prepare well enough" card and have to stick to their guns, even though the continuously evolving evidence points more towards an momentous overreaction if anything to the pandemic, costing us trillions for no good reason. And Trump has downplayed the virus, then gets serious, and now downplays it again. It's a dance they do that's hilarious to watch.

As for Floyd, I think most reasonable people on the left and right now understand how overblown this pandemic was and understandably don't care about social distancing.

I think social distancing is good and so are masks but I don't like how draconian some shutdowns were like NJ and NY where even now you can't have a meal fucking outside

On the whole I don't think that there is too much intellectual suppression though, or that we are regressing in some way (see Steven Pinkers Ted talk). Though I concede that there are times when the left absolutely do suppress and hurt things like free speech which is one of the worst things imaginable considering it's the reason the US has become so successful. But obviously in 2020 we are more able to have debates and conversations then we ever were before in history. Again, it's the extremes that are causing most of the trouble however and they're not exclusive to either party. There are so many topics to discuss however, that considering yourself a leftist, or someone on the right is intellectually damning.

Racial genetics is an interesting topic - but I don't think that anyone on the 'left' or the 'right' is mature enough to discuss it publicly. I don't think it's political more than it is an existential topic. Typically people are too philosophically stupid and emotional to think in these terms.

As for gender theory being a pseudoscience, you'd have to point me to a particular theory. I'm sure there are mistruths and downright lies in this field because it's such a controversial and charged subject that is based on morality, religion etc. I would only look at empirical evidence here, and again the science is so new so it's essentially conjecture and semantic games.

Agree, precaution is prudent. But I think it's safe to say that what we've done to mitigate the virus was unnecessary, the economic toll will reverberate for years and the economy is inseparably linked to quality of life. Don't watch the news, look at the numbers and take things in context.

Not sure if top tier bait or not

You are blind if you look at the current intellectual milieu, see cancel culture and ideology suffusing discourse, and believe that it is in a good state. Sure, no one is being burned at the stake for their beliefs, but that doesn’t stop the mob from marking out dissenters and hounding them from their livelihoods in the name of conformity

>As for gender theory being a pseudoscience, you'd have to point me to a particular theory
the work of John Money

semantic games are not science, falsifiable theories are. The field is full of activists who seek out specific outcomes that are convenient for the question of class warfare, distorting their own results while dismissing hard evidence that the sociological phenomenon of gender does not have a biological component vis-a-vis brain structure, despite the many doctored and non-replicable reports ardently claiming otherwise. The foundational precepts of the theory are incorrect and didn’t even hold true in the seminal study defining the concept of gender.

That we recommend mutilating “treatment” as a result of bad science is terrible enough, the subversion of science and suppression of free idea exchange is a dangerous path. Read about Lysenko if you want to see what happens when the biological sciences are subverted by far left ideologues

That chick in the top left is hot

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