Check this shit:

Check this shit:

>> 15% burn rate
>> 299MM supply

Staking will be released in 1 hour, so you all know what's about to happen.

Attached: logosmall.png (200x200, 29.23K)

Burn baby burn

Lol! This will be HEX on steroids

This was the worst scam ever shilled on biz
Nobody got their "airdrop" and the scammer dumped on Uniswap within the first 5 seconds.

You would be better off using your money as toilet paper than buying this piece of shit.

The "Devs" are so fucking dumb they don't even know how to scam properly

Is a good entry point now?

my bags are ready

>> muh fud

Check the picture pajeet

Attached: 123321321.png (1214x355, 66.86K)

Yes, ATH was 7K per ETH so it's pretty good right now.

>Check the picture pajeet
You are Sazimi... You are the Pajeet.


Shitty H3X clone

That’s something a scammer who’s mad it’s not his shitcoin getting attention would say. Hex2T is that you?

this shit already pumped... NEXT PLZ

Dev said airdrop will be distributed asap after staking wallet is released
I guess we wait

Nope, try again ranjeet

last launch they couldnt get uniswap figured out, looks a little better this time around

Nooooooo i want to accumulate fuck you ranesh

already accumulated some decent bags, this shit trumps hex2 and h3x easily, looking forward to seeing where this goes

5 mins for staking

will they let it run for a while and let a lot of people in and make more money or will they pump and dump it the same day.. only time will tell

Aaand we're moonin'

how you've buckled up for this moon mission fren

Suicide stack here we goooo

>while and let a lot of people in and make more money or will they pump and dump it the same day.. only time will tell


aww yeaahh, set up the staking

lol wow, they got staking set up. ok im in. hope it stays up a while

staking is now live, lets get them divvies bois. staking my 100k rn, make it stack time

lol i saw that get added. i have 3.5k so i guess someone else does as well

heh.. slow day for shitcoin scams, biz? load your bags

Attached: ikyiuoka7d421.jpg (646x595, 42.47K)

Relax n' divs

i'm out. you discord trannys are fucked in the head.

Yes! Successfully sold that shit! Yesterday was such a nightmare i should have known

gonna wait for a good opportunity to buy POWER