H3x is a scam

so I ask questions and if they dont like it they delete them in the telegram. The team always says they are buying the dip and how great their divs are but its all talk cause the price doesn't go up. They get people to dca with their comments then at a certain point it drops again. I asked them whats the point of divs if the coin is worth nothing. They deleted and told me to stop fudding. Its so scripted. Everytime it sinks low the same people say how they are loading their bags now with more but the price doesn't move. Jimmy the admin is a bitch along with blaq and others. They will steal all your money. Get out while you can.

Attached: h3x.png (400x400, 22.59K)

So just an FYI

Guess everyone already knows :)

>H3x is a scam
no fucking shit, retard

H3x is legit. You asked about why price go down

h3x is about to moon
stay seething op

ok so so invested $20 into this project early and got shortchanged by uniswap, the developer airdropped me the coins i was entitled too after I Dmed him, I have since accumulated a stack worth about $150 through staking (rewards are really good) and price going up, I have also asked very critical questions in the discord and gotten real answers, ive also sold some of my stack successfully to make back my initial, this leads me to believe that OP is a big fucking retard and has been asking dogshit q's and thats why theyve been deleted, H3x may be a scam still, but im making a small passive income off it so let the boys play i reckon

the whole project is retarded.

-Uses the hex name and has nothing to do with hex
- stole the pyro ui and functionality and give them no credit, and call pyro a scam
- giant cult of people cucked on losing money

but pyro is a real scam yeah?

without pyro this shit coin would cease to exist

Making $1000 a day staking even with the drop, stay poor

Yeah, I don't disagree this is basically a ponzi scheme but the rewards are fucking good and I'm cashing out daily, so who cares.

Sounds SUPER sustainable, you fucking retard.

Based Kevin Heart just unstaked another million to give us sweet divvies. I wonder what he’s gonna do with that million...

5% burn rate is way to fucking high.

Try 10%

5% for unstaking
10% for buying/transfer

may as well make it 100% burn rate. This coin is fucking retarded

Y-you’re just m-mad that you aren’t getting breadcrumbs from Based Kevin Heart.

Attached: EA3743B4-D08D-447A-83F5-CD865D1730E4.png (970x970, 364.57K)

So if the price moves down it's a scam ? Which part of world you are living in ? Btw while Uniswap dumped few hours back. H3X is only legit and this army gonna tIe over all sh*t coins of Uniswap

After staying with H3X since a week I came to conclusion that OP is retarded. As H3X is just 1 week old and OP is expecting 1000x in a night.

Exactly this. Discord is pretty chill and they will actually answer your questions and encourage some fud. Fuck the telegram though, all telegrams are filled with fag mods that scream buy the dip. The dev hasn't given me a reason to not trust him, and I'm making like 200 dollars a day in dividends even in the red

Who cares if you do shitload of money by just holding?

Some new buyers might not get it already.
The only way this project can possibly die is if trading and staking completely halts.
As in, nobody is buying and nobody is selling.
buying=staking to some buyers.
selling=unstaking for some sellers.
Both cases give stakers dividends and decrease total and circulating supply. Inevitably increasing the value of h3x.
As smart buyers FOMO for our sweet dividends
And degenarate gamblers will unstake and sell their 2x, 3x, 5x
making other buyers FOMO
Stakers will just recieve dividends, passively, as long as trading of h3x continues.
in the meantime, the clock is ticking and supply is always decreasing

H3x Dev is a legit superstar with a vision for this & has communicated that well. This will MOON. If you seen how fast the price moved before, wait for the next bit of price action. Everything came together so nicely with the coin.

oh definitely once we start voting on DOA funds it will moon to 50 cents at least

lol this is the lead dev going ape shit on everyone after people figured out h3x ripped its code from pryo

Attached: Screenshot_20200607-042052.png (1080x1620, 222.02K)

shits so lazy it even says pryo when you search it up.
People were like
>oh its fine we fixed that on chrome

Attached: Screen_Shot_2020-06-06_at_23.35.45.png (1418x904, 195.25K)

Now you're getting it.
Zig Forums just doesn't get it

that's cause biz is filled with mostly retards
its a next level idea / product

Any project could be scam but i'm pretty sure this will take us to moon soon

How is that going apeshit? He's right, if any of you actually paid attention you would know the Dev has given no reason not to trust him, and is implementing a dao for stakers to vote on the supply. Who gives a fuck if it was copied i bet you're in 3 shitcoins right now that are clones. This shit is an intuitive template and who the fuck is going to buy Pyro with that liquidity and shittier tokenomics. Next.