BATthread. Get in here, BATbros! Post BATmemes and praise Eich!

Attached: batgeorge.jpg (600x450, 52.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why is this utter shit coin mooning

why did I not go all in at the bottom

absolutely fucking based.

Eich will blow the dipshit cryptokiddies out of the water through real world utility and pure big brainage. The pedophile bitcoin maxipads are going to get fucked raw, and they're gonna like it.

Attached: Brave BAT1.png (500x500, 51.66K)

Their favorite word has been "soon" recently, usually a bad sign

Might just be anecdote, but my friends, family, and myself have all switched to Brave browser. People are NOPEing the fuck out of Chrome and Microsoft browser as it seems every corporation is bending the knee for BLM, and probably noting dissenters in the process.

Get the fuck off of google platforms if you haven't already

Brave gets a lot of hate from two groups; 1) bitcoin maximalists who are upset that Brave isn't using bitcoin, and 2) Mozilla/other dogshit browser fanboys who for some reason are obsessed with browser wars and treat browsers like a sports team.

You can count on those two groups of pathetic nerds to come out with new FUD every few months, but more often than not it's absolute meaningless bullshit.

Brave will keep chugging ahead and laying the groundwork for a dope crypto-based browser. It's what they've been doing for YEARS now. Meanwhile, Google has everything to lose, and does more evil shit than anyone will ever call them out for.

Attached: brendan.jpg (1280x720, 56.95K)

>he puts a Binance referral autocomplete in the URL bar
Bretty based desu

hell just make it paste your own address into send coin fields why don't you

I honestly think they did more good than harm with the ref link scandal. All those publications that have been trying to tear brave apart just legitimized brave as a major browser. The people reading probably dont even know what a ref link are, or if they do they arent socialist scum that know businesses need to make money.

Absolutely bullish

Brave is a botnet

Attached: gaybrave.png (1080x1032, 1.2M)

Is he our guy though?

Attached: x.png (271x477, 58.76K)


hahah i had to double check that was actually in that known for field. I knew he had made comments on it, but didn't think he was that famous for it.

LMAO that picture.

>is a botnet

is /g/ speak for "I'm a huge fucking faggot"

OHHHHHKAY BUDDY have you seen the issue I posted though? Imagine all that anti-fingerprinting being rekt by their shitty Brave Shields filter list. Mega YIKESSSSS

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it's weird to me that somebody would even spend the time on photoshop to create that image. /g/ users are fucking freaks

Whatever happens brahs at the end of the day Brave is gonna be one of the best browsers out there. Just hang in there we're all gonna make it no larp

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g where the original "buttcoin" people. secret club mentality to hoard a good thing

Attached: BATDubs.jpg (511x305, 48.27K)

BAT being over $1 defeats the whole purpose of the token. If you knew anything about the project, you'd know this.

Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy this over $1?

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No memes, but how about some braps?

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