/smg/ Stock Market General

Return to tradition edition


>Stock market Words

>Risk Management

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>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings

>Links for Bears
>bears are hibernating, no links



Attached: Alright captain tomboy smg.png (850x1402, 1.05M)

Other urls found in this thread:


first for fuck anime

Are you dumping IVR?


Fuck you

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These digits decide tomorrow.

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Don't be retarded.

Anyone have calls open but thinking about going to cash tomorrow

Fuck Anime
Anime can’t continue your bloodline or let you lay your head on their lap while they sing sweet soothing melodies and feed you spongecake.

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unironically true

oh whoops i set my computer to future time, ignore that previous post. market looks pretty crazy on August 12 btw

Based anime poster

i need the market to fall a little bit.

ill dump it at 15

never EVER stop posting tomboys

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Reposting from previous thread for awkward user:

Send a text in the evening instead and make it something light-hearted, maybe throw a dad joke in there, usually works well for me. If there's interest in the conversation throw out a simple invitation for ice cream or a drink depending on what kind of vibe you are getting from them.

Also ALL TEXTS NEED TO BE FUCKING SHORT, dont send the bitch a blogpost everyone hates that. if that mfer has more than 3 lines then may your portfolio crumble into dust.

crash when?

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I hope you fuckers went hard into REIT and Oil.

GUSH for oil.

Im up 9k today.

>Beer drinker
>Push up bra
Absolute degenerate pig. Get better taste senpai.

I just saw a homeless guy in my city... fucking economy is fucked guys

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Literally nothing wrong with push up bras or beer, tats are gross though.

I was snapchatting some girl i matched with on tinder (she messaged me first) for a few weeks but things kinda died off. this was two months ago. should I ask her out now or is it too late?

back on topic Should I buy $75 ZM puts tomorrow for the meme? There's no way that chinkshit trash goes any higher right?


you have never had sex

let me know how it works out


hopefully tomorrow.

when the coronavirus happened, i made a list of stocks that i wanted to buy. i invested into all of them except for two. im hoping the market falls a little bit so i can grab those last two.

Probably not, she likely doesnt even remember who the fuck you are. If you cant close in a few days then forget about it.

Fuck imagine still being in crypto when stocks are 2017 crypto hype levels. You have to be retarded not to be making money these past few months.
My play for now is BIOL, offering ends Wednesday. Offerings are great because of the price dips which subsequently reduces risk and sets you up for stellar rips.

Hey guys, if you're looking for cheapies that haven't recovered since March check out this penny stock called SNSS.
It's incredible actually, everything else in the market even bankrupt companies like Hertz have mooned, but SNSS hasn't moved at all!
What kind of person would be long on this?

>itt we post our momies in celebration of the green frog who brought with him green bags and tendies this last month

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Lol can’t handle a little macho in your woman? Bet you like the kitty shaved

That’s a large woman


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TSX chads report in. What is your next move?

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Too suspicious

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ara ara

what about the ones you just bought


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I've made 50 grand as of today, and thats a lot of money to me. I know in my heart of hearts that when I sell all my positions tomorrow morning ill miss out on thousands and thousands more but 50k is literally a life changer for me.

Thank you everyone here some of you played huge roles in this happening and I hope to get in on another stock market ride someday

I'm out

I have no Canadian positions right now. Whole portfolio is KO and JETS.

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Bullish sentiment continues for as long as tomboy appreciation does
As soon as tomboy is removed from the pasta, markets are going red

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we were gonna go out but this happened when everything was closed

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Someone please stop me from going all in on $VVNT tomorrow.

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what no don't leave, bank 90% of it in high-yield savings and put the 5k to work m8
Also what stocks and how'd you pick them

Protip: Covered Calls.

That shit has phosphoric acid.

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Don't, and not just because you asked.

if dubs, that's not how it works

if dubs, you go all in

if i wanted macho i would've just gone for tomboys...

No harm in trying man. Not like there's anything to lose.

>28 year old useless incel
>never even invested money of my shitty job, just kept in bank account, missing all the 2010s market gains
>was gonna dump 100,000 USD into a portfolio when market bottomed out but thought economy would be even worse
>missed out on all gains again
>know i'm too retarded and useless to even invest correctly despite doing literally nothing all day besides my shitty job
feels bad fellas

Hell profit is profit. It don't mater how much. 50,000 in extra green would be nice for me as well. But like I said anything is better than losing.

You're 28 and have 100k+? You have nothing to feel bad about. I assume you own property and have no student loans? If not make it so.

cash is trash

at least slowly invest it into your favorite companies

I'm using 40 to put a down-payment on my house, and 10 to buy a better car. I bought airlines, oil, casino and every blue chip at the very bottom

based Lain poster


you all hear that bass? so tasty

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give me the money, I'll turn it into a million and give you back 200% of the initial investment

user there will be another dip. dont worry. youll have another opportunity to buy in

>has 100,000

Jesus fucking christ. I cant help you if you are a true incel but you have 100k you can easily make bank if you want to.

$NKLA thoughts?
Sell some off and hold long term or just take profit after the week and dump?

I don't blame you user, the euphoria phase is real and we'll most certainly be seeing a massive dump all across the board in the coming months. Getting out with profit you deem is enough is intelligent, regardless of how much is still left on the table.
Nothing to be ashamed about, user

Idk man, I think it's good long term. But short term?

How many of those hydrogen stations are they going to even have up?

remember a month or two ago there were *daily* covid19 briefings from the white house and special task force. now it's completely forgotten. lulz

Dump it and buy in again. Profit taking is going to be yuge tomorrow

I'm up 90% on 150 shares of Jetblue. Should I get out now or hold long? Feel it could definitely go to $30 a share

Just start messaging her again and say that you were dating someone else or some other bullshit. If she still seems interested then you can ask her out.

user i'm 32 and blew all my fiat on trading, gambling, hookers and alcohol. now i'm miserable. to each their own. if you truly have $100k left you still have a shot and you're better off than many, including me. start watching some intro vids on how to invest if you are interested.

Long to the next ER dump then and buy back in

>tfw taco bell gave me an extra chalupa
short YUM

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>tell her sorry i was busy dating someone I deemed superior to you, that's why i stopped talking to you

that ain't it but thanks

>I bought airlines, oil, casino and every blue chip at the very bottom

>and 10 to buy a better car


Damn even baggie cashin in on his gains and bought himself a new truck

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i want to ride this up as long as possible, so tough to time the crash

What’s up with digital turbine lads? I got 25 shares at $4.60ish and now it just cracked $10....do I hodl or take profits or buy more?

its a shame the dump is impossible to time. some trivial bit of news will likely trigger it. Trump will mention something about basedbean tariffs in a tweet, and the whole world will come crashing down.
im holding SPXS. hopefully the crash will come sooner rather than later, because im bleeding a bit everyday. at least i didnt buy puts

Oil still has x2 left

It will run all week.

The problem is I really dont have an exit strategey

I dont see the reason to pull out unless there is something else to buy

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It’s probably too late, but just tell her you are still interested. If she asks about the long time with no communication. Just tell the truth.

I need a car to get to work dude, I have a Ford explorer with 270k miles on it