I have never worked a day in my life

Good morning, Wagie. While you were working, I wrote you a haiku;

Oh wagie, wagie
You pay taxes, I collect
I spend your money

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a parasite works more than you

That's no way to speak to a customer. I'd like to speak with your manager, wagie.

wagie wagie cant you see?
youll never make it quite like me
spend your days to scrounge up pennies
youre almost as broke as a jannie
neet neet life so sweet
all day long i beat my meat
day in day out you pay my rent
call me parasite, get bent!
2d waifus, wagie haikus
my linkies becoming bmws
15 minutes, time is up,
bossman says get back to fucking work you cuck!

That was a nice haiku. Do you happen to have more?

Listen, Parasite.
You rot, without net worth.
Sudoku is near.

Did I do this right? ESL here. Let's make this thread Zig Forums related haikus

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A toast!
To wagies!

Who get up every morning to make someone else money for little to no economic remuneration.

t. self employed tradesmen at $100/hr that works 20 hour weeks

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NEETs listen up you're about to get schooled
I worked my way into a good job
You live your life chilling in your stool

When I come home from work
I can still chill in my tub
At the end of the day
You'll never know a roasties love

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Waaaaagie waaagie, stuck in the cage
Waaaaagie waaagie, filled up with rage

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Flip my burger or it's gonna get burned, wagie

Daily reminder that these threads are neets coping with their dead-end lives.

work all day long
these bills need paying
at home your fatty wife is waiting
sucking off a new tyrone
because at 5 youre too tired to bone
even on saturday youre back again
no overtime for salary man!
from nine to five
you waste your life
im buying coke with your taxes
oh wait, theyre mine!

Wagies literally pay us to bang their whore wives while they're off working.

Can't even imagine what the wagie life must be like. Just trying to imagine waking up to an alarm clock instead of when my body wants to sounds like a nightmare, and that's just the beginning of wagie's day.

>9 hours a slave every day
>not dead-end life
pfffff hahahahahahahahahaha you're gonna get that promotion soon r-right? Stacy won't get it because she's been sucking the manager, right?
Back to your cage, subhuman!

I don't work all day long
I work 9-5
When I come my fat wife is sucking me dry
Sure when I'm tired to the bone
Better than being a fat shit STUCK AT HOME!

Yeah but have you ever chilled in a spa paid for with salaried rent?

How about down lights and nice speakers?

A Netflix membership?

Flexing on girls about your sick job!

Real question, how does one become a neet. Where would you get the necessary money for groceries, rent, etc?

>I don't work all day long
>I work 9-5
>fat wife
>Sure when I'm tired to the bone
oh no no no hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Without net worth? Wagie, I guarantee that both my real net worth and my monthly cashflow is greater than yours.

You can't, wagecuck. Only the most blessed of individuals get to become NEETS and you aren't one of us if you have to ask. Go back to your cage Mr. Shekelberg is getting angry!

>im actually really productive i swear, i dont sit around shitposting all day
>uh yeah uh actually my neetbux is like 3k a month im not poor
>what country pays that much? uh well you know, its one of those obscure european countries, you wouldn't know it

Who are you quoting, you retarded wageslave?

if people think im gonna work for a country/society that hates me as a white man, you´re crazy


Not for long. With every paycheck I collect more and more dividends. With every dividend payout I buy more stocks. Dividends are barely taxed compared to work. I'm going to become a super NEET in the future, just tending to my gardens in my 5 acre property.

tinder whales eat my coom
maybe your wife when youre not home
you wouldnt know youre flipping burgers
depression, assorted mental disorders
with an empty life, fatty wife
40 hours a week
making money for kikes!

>I'll retire at 60 instead of 65 if everything goes well (it won't) because of muh dividunds

Gentlemen, I have an announcement to make!

depression and mental illness is nothing to sweat
you're just an autist, on the internet

I don't say kikes cause they'll call up HR
plus I care about people's feelings
so who hurt ya?

I've made 200k in investments in the past 3 years, I'm pretty sure it'll be over long before that. I'm currently 50k in on Orion protocol so if that takes off I can retire by 2021.

Immigrant workers
Can wire their money back home
Without crippling fees.
