I’m tired of reading all the absolute schizo delusion on this board, so take a seat Zig Forums...

I’m tired of reading all the absolute schizo delusion on this board, so take a seat Zig Forums, I’ll tell you a secret that’s already been accepted by everyone in the know: Chainlink is never going to bring about the type of decentralized connectivity that you cultist simpletons think it will. You know why? Because data, by definition, IS NOT decentralized. It comes from proprietary sources who have exactly _zero_ incentive to willingly, and for meager compensation, publish this data into the brandless “truth-cloud” that is the Chainlink network, only to be aggregated and resold by third parties, namely; the node operators. The companies selling said data have spent years, sometimes decades building strong brands in their respective fields and markets, not to mention the standardization tools, relationships with the (measurement-level) sources etc... Do you honestly think they’re going to willingly let some pimplefaced nerd come in between them and the customer with their branded ChainlinkTM node and risk that nerd fucking up their long fought for reputation? Not to mention the financial cost to the data provider of having a middleman, who does nothing, getting a lion’s share of the revenue. You can’t make something out of nothing. Much like an economy doesn’t have things unless it has factories, an oracle, not to mention a network of oracles, doesn’t have data unless it has providers.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>B-b-but aggregation will replace single-source oracles!
Let’s, for the moment, set aside the fact that only source level aggregation matters, while node level aggregation is absolutely pointless and idiotic. How exactly do you propose to aggregate 90% of the world’s data? The biometrics will be aggregated by the user wearing two smart watches, one on each wrist? The shipping crate will have multiple IoT devices (min. 3 for n/m) from multiple companies simultaneously? You know how retared you sound? To make matters even worse, even for source-level aggregation, what exactly is achieved by pairing a Bloomberg ticker with Alice’s Stock Market API and Bob’s Market Prices? That’s right - a less trustworthy feed. The inconvenient truth is that aggregation is all smoke and mirrors, impossible for most of anything besides a DeFi crypto price feed, and, at least at present, largely useless even there. Hell, you don’t even know where the Chainlink Price Reference feed nodes are getting their data! Could be a Coinmarketcap scraper for all you know. Of course none of this matters, because Chainlink is the centralized party governing the data feeds, and most of you don’t actually care about any of this anyway, as long as 1000EOY.

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>believing that a fucking json parser is a revolutionary technology

Now, maybe this isn’t enough to sway you. Maybe you can do some mental gymnastics around the issue of centralization. Let’s say you’re an enterprise smart contract developer. How would you go about connecting your company’s backend database to a smart contract? Create an adapter for it and publish it on market.link? Congratulations, you just dun goofed yourself out of a job by exposing private information to anonymous third parties. Run your own Chainlink node? Can you? Think your manager is going to hire a full-time developer at around $10k/month to manage a Chainlink node 24/7? Because that’s what you need. And even if you can do it, it’s not going to be decentralized anyway, so why use something as complicated as Chainlink, instead of, say, Provable? Maybe you’ll ask an existing node operator to run the node for you? Great, you’re back to trusting a third party.

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Mind you, I’m not saying Chainlink is completely useless, but in the world of data the tail is 90% of the body, and that tail is undecentralizable at the source level. Chainlink is great for the remaining 10%, but connecting the tail is a much bigger problem. It is also the reason why, to this date, the oracle problem remains unsolved.

P.S. No need to recycle the old “Everyone’s adopting Chainlink so fuck off!” trope. Just look at the facts: Yes, DeFi is adopting Chainlink, because crypto market data falls within the aforementioned 10%. Now, DeFi is going to become huge and, hell, even ISDA is probably on board, so you’ll get your on-chain derivatives and become rich in the next bull run! Congratulations. However, that’s about the extent of it. You know why Chainlink has 500 partners? Why every literal who is announcing they’re partnering with Chainlink? Because it pumps the price of their shitty token. Unfathomable for those blue eyed Linkies, I know.

Chainlink solves price reference data feeds. Not the oracle problem.

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Thanks for your continued interest in our financial well being niggerfag

>somebody actually typed all of this out for the sole purpose of being a fucking retard on the internet
holy crap

one stupid fucking retard arent you?

The average Linkie, Exhibit A

How's the Kool Aid? Remember to drink the whole cup, like the mindless sheep you are.

>Y-y-you're fucking retarded!
Nice counter argument. Good to see Linkies versed in the art of rhetoric.

the absolute state of delusional seething link cultists

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I'm glad you wasted so much time writing something I didn't even read.
Feel free to write more, I have plenty of free time not to read it.

10 minutes attention span.

>I actually can read, I just don't want to
Sure little buddy.

Fuck off faggot


Imagine turning up 3 years and 20x late and thinking you could fud your way in with the "muh data source" fud from 2018 lmao.

Based. This is a hard truth that linkies won't swallow easily, and I'm saying this as someone who's been holding LINK since the ICO.
Anyhow, that does not mean that the work on this should stop. I'm sure that eventually a solution will be found to ensure the trustworthiness of single sources of data, most likely by some other interested party. Chainlink will also eventually transition into something that's actually decentralized, but they don't seem to have the willpower for that at this point.

Grug no like make Bill Gates rich again

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So you did read it after all? There you go son! However, reading is one thing, comprehension is another. That will be your next lesson.

imagine missing out on 100x eth by 6 months and jumping on a random scam shitcoin because Zig Forums told you so

>Calastone platform was based on Enterprise Ethereum, but with a desire to remain blockchain agnostic'
Ctrl+F 'Calastone'
Any familiar logos nearby?
It's all so tiresome

Provable rebranded to Oraclize and integratted chainlink though.

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inb4 9 posts by this id 'mUspYfLf'

>a part partnership, through a partnetship, through a partnership
pure strawgrasping. Interwork is gonna end up being some small blip in history as a failed start up company and nothing more
>muh new york bill board with interwork logo
congrats, you invested in a company that spends millions on advertisement

>9 posts by this id

why does high post counts scare the linkie? Every thread, when they lose an argument, they bring up post number.

Just sold this scam, thanks for caring about me fren. All 100k tokens gone.

Because chainlink is a scam.

Attached: LinkClut.png (2126x1122, 637.66K)

The below greentext is the linkie kryptonite
>This scam broke AML/CFC/Series funding regs
The best part is most are so fuckin dumb they don't even know what it means.

It's all connected! Don't you see!?

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