What to be early Zig Forums...

What to be early Zig Forums? Get your Bags for MUSK Coin before the redditfags find out and pump it till you are priced out. Website and White Paper have been released today and they are looking good. Only 20k Market Cap, and very few holders. One tweet from Elon and the normies will go crazy for this coin.

>Any use case?
MUSK Coin offers typical staking rewards. But also offers a special rewards system called ‘staking dividends’. Staking dividends are airdropped to stakers wallets every 48 hours, 1% of the developer pool is distributed according to how much of the pool you hold. If you hold 50% of the pool you receive 50% of the dividend.

>Why Would Elon Musk ever tweet about the coin?
MUSK Coin has a bounty for Elon Musk. 5% of the market cap has been set aside specifically for a charity of Elon’s choice. If Elon tweets about us then he gets a fat bag to give to charity and get some good PR. So he has a reason to give us attention beyond the memes.

>Why Elon?
Doge coin was one of the most popular memes on reddit, now Elon Musk dominates the reddit meme sphere. Once this coin goes mainstream it will seriously pump due to Elon’s place in the social zeitgeist.

Website- Muskcoin.net
Uniswap Info- uniswap.info/token/0x62b625f82557dc3101c9bf85b4630587755648b3
Buy MUSK Coin- uniswap.exchange/swap?inputCurrency=0x62b625f82557dc3101c9bf85b4630587755648b3
Discord and Telegram listed on the website.

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Website looks surprisingly good. At least a stakeholder dividend is a nice change.

Dubs of truth my friend. Strap in for spaceX approved moon mission.

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this is a whole new level of scam holy shit what has become of us

>total liquidity: $452.04

kek was that all you got from the village pajeet

it's only just getting started, once staking begins it'll be much higher - buy in now or FOMO in later

fuck im early for once

Buying 1 ETH worth increase price 30%. if you are going to scam bizlets atleast put some more eth and scamtokens into the pool pajeet

This is a whole lower level of FUD. At least read the whitepaper.

>Clearly never got in early on a coin before, there's always slippage at the start. stay poor my friend

Come right through. Elon will take us to the moon.

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>to the moon
Don't you mean to Mars?

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Good luck on the project, i bet you are going to smash Doge out the water!!! GIVE ME THAT BAG!! :D

Reporting for duty for upcoming space mission. Just filled by moon bags. When rocket?

Mars and beyond. But we must start somewhere.

eazy x100

this is poppin off

as if Elon is going to tweet about your shitty coin with no purpose. why would he lend his name to this when you're just gunna dump bags and leave it worthless the second it has any value.

Marsmission here we go! Elon might actually post about this kek

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>he didnt read the whitepaper
That's the point of the bounty. Elon has 5% reserved for a charity of his choice, abit of PR for him. He tweets about dodge coin all the time, so its not much of a stretch.

Should I dump $50 unironically

Do it!

I bought a 200k stack for shits n giggles. Might moon, might crash. But I can’t just sit on the sidelines.

Musk will moon deflationary with staking that’s awesome

same here i dont wanna watch it moon and FOMO in later

It's the staking dividend which will make this moon. Rewards every 48 hours directly airdropped into wallets. The more time passes the more the dev fund gets redistributed to the bag holders.

So how can we make Elon tweet about this? We would seriously become millionaires

We must all tweet about it to him on twitter. But for real if this gets enough traction it's bound to pass by him and knowing elon we will respond

The team have put together a 'bounty' for Elon. 5% of the market cap is reserved for a charity of Elon's choice, so the higher the market cap is the greater incentive for him to give us a tweet. The PR will be good for him and he likes to tweet about memes and dodge coin alot.

It costs nothing for him to tweet and he gets to donate to charity. Win for him Win for us bagholders.

it is not too late to grab some , looking for these to moon x

we're early, it hasn't even mooned yet

Ehh the website is surprisingly good.
Dropped 100$ now make me happy elon.

20 holders... wow. Feels good to finally be early!

Early does it, now pump my bag elon sama

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