/ptg/ Penny sTonks General

What's our favorite rocket-ship today edition?
Rome wasn't built in a day but PTG was.
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News source: pennystocks.com/featured/2020/05/14/penny-stocks-on-robinhood-to-buy-sell-analysts-may-14-2020/
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The guy who shilled AFC a week ago can go fuck himself

We need news for KITOV, and ZOM

is it even a legit company ? whenever i have a hard time understanding what it is a company does i avoid the fuck out of it. Someone tried shilling a financial penny stock... avoided it like the plague

The cocksucker shilling GNUS drink bleach please.

The SHIP is barely moving guys...

Sell GNUS and rebuy in at the $2 range. It will be a good long term investment

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Yeah, definitely get out of GNUS. Salvage what you can

whoever shilled VISL
thank you sirs
> t. he who is do the needful

it's profit taking day today

Shill me something new, I fell for the ktov meme so im willing to believe anything

Yeah it is they have a partnership with some construction work company


ORMP - company in phase 3 test of oral insulin presenting Friday at national diabetes conference

CLIS - clickstream Corp launching a app called WinQuik a gambling quiz app targeting sports normies. Should launch beginning of July according to there website

Otso/fieif - gold mine reopening in July currently sitting around .06 good gamble play

Everything looks red

Yeah, that's why the thread is dead.

I wish the market was open more so I had something to fill the hours with

Anyone buying the DGLY dip?

whoever mentioned IDEX last week or so, thanks bud. Cashed out half my stack to get my returns back and now gonna watch the rest soar

I don't think it's a dip, it's profit taking day

Anyone else in ZOM

>INUV still green

>INUV +35%
Here it comes!

Just bought IZEA

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I sold this shit at $.44 with a $.36 average. Why is it even pumping? The earnings was meh and it really only has one product going it for it and it's all about online advertising which has gone down.

FET CHADS how long are we holding for?

just sold this morning was up 200%

this is more of a yesterday question but should I get out of TLRD with the rumours yesterday or keep holding?

Hmm something's gotta be going up senpai who's got the magic symbol

TOPS will soar after it reaches 0.55
Pay attention

CLIS u slut go back up

>Buy DGLY at $2, panic sell at $2, goes up to $7
>Buy GNUS for like $2, panic sell, goes up to $10
>Buy TUP for $1, goes up to $7
Crypto ruined me.