FOMO Gaming Coin (FMG)

Unlike 99% of the "uniswap gems" shilled here, this is an actual non-ponzi project with a legitimate team behind it.

FOMO gaming is an eSports+ platform (eSports streaming, arcade, casino games, VR shop) coming to the Ethereum network. This will be the "ecosystem" token for the entire platform used for things like sponsorship, tipping, user-created custom matches, and more.

-Lead dev is the ceo of Void Defi and BossPVP on Tron, runs multiple development teams
-90% of supply is on uniswap, no devs holding 98% of the supply exit scam bullshit like half of what is promoted here
-followed by Huobi on twitter, hints of a future listing
-verified Google Developer Account, native games coming to PC and Playstore
-partnerships with major gaming companies in the works
-already a FOMO Gaming eSports team successful in COD/Apex Legends
-already extremely active Telegram and Discord
-staking and dividends coming
-website scheduled to be up today, logo coming to etherscan/uniswap shortly

Very early, high liquidity, this launched hours ago and has less than 200 holders.

Attached: C78EDA4A-74D6-4933-BD53-50F49F1C3B4C.jpg (250x105, 2.23K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a Scam

1 Person got 25% of supply for only 3.5 Eth, most probably Dev's alt account

He slowly started dumping at the top, has dumped 1 million till now, still 23 more million to go. Can crash this to zero anytime.

When people raised questions in the group, he has now diversified the funds to different wallets.

Attached: fg2.jpg (1080x2082, 438.16K)

>1 Person got 25% of supply for only 3.5 Eth, most probably Dev's alt account

Absolutely false. The early buyer who made that purchase posted a screenshot of the transaction in the telegram- its a regular name who I’ve seen in half a dozen different crypto Telegram chats over the past week- probably from Zig Forums because he ends up in a lot of the moonshots that get promoted here. He should been adding a shitload of liquidity here.

Attached: EA5F3A9E-9E74-4769-8F23-035DA76AA1D6.jpg (345x369, 20.07K)

probably the same fag as from idextools and pennybank scam.

so true then?
...he got 25% of the supply for 3.5 eth

>totally not a red flag
25% ffs

this project is DoA

>Whales buying in who believe in the project, are active in it’s community, and add tons of liquidity are bad

There’s a small number of whales who will buy nearly everything that debuts on Uniswap, because if it moons once it will pay for 19 failures. He got in extremely early.

You can join the telegram and talk to him literally right now. Check the telegrams of top 5 new coins being talked about on Zig Forums now and you’ll probably see him there too.

This guy is in the telegram of


And those are just the ones I can see because I’m also in them. Basically a Zig Forums whale. And 4 out of 5 of those had serious moons.

Telegram: fomogaming

Discord: gwy8k3Y

remember what happened when unipower dropped their website?

Attached: Captures.png (476x90, 10.61K)

The YouTube who pumped PAMP 3x and POWER by 1/3rd is now talking about this


Idextools put 2% of the supply on Uniswap. This has 90% supply on uniswap. The lead is the guy from VOID Token, he’s promoting it in their official twitter.

If they pull this off and it’s a good product this is going straight to the stratosphere. E-sports is huge and this dev team inspires a lot of confidence

Looks like the number of wallet holders has doubled in about 12 hours

Just a lucky guy. Nothing to do with the dev team AFAIK. The first few buyers to things like this are lucky, that’s why it pays to watch for new listings even though most are scams.

Had a look at his wallet and seems he has big balances on a bunch of shitcoins, so yes he is a biz whale who chucks a few eth at whatever is new.

Is what it is, he’s dumped a lot now and price is continuing to climb. Good sign if you ask me.

Should be up tonight

king of fomo just joined the telegram. probably the last chance to buy this cheap

Nice, two youtubers and still in the first 16 hours

How can you find out new uniswap listings?

Website confirmed to be launched today- esports up by the weekend. Moving fast

Number 3 Uniswap volume, over 400k in well under 24 hours. Website launching in

Attached: 40E953ED-EB89-4949-8C02-50A9419ECFA0.jpg (1263x688, 102.43K)

third in 24hr volume

and not even trading for 24hrs

reddit literally beat you to it lmao biz never change

Attached: mcaffe_btfo.png (517x405, 52.17K)

FMG2 token on Uniswap is NOT legitimate, not connected to the devs. But copycats are a bullish sign

Literally no e sports team / players on a roster

Whats his name

So at 0.0033$ seems like a decent entry point. Gonna get a small bag and see what happens.

Could this pull a quick x2-5 in the next days or it's more of a long hold?

There is a FOMO clan that plays CoD and Apex


See in the telegram. If your active in Uniswap telegram chats you’ll probably recognize it.

No, they just created FMG2

What's their Twitter?

I guess it's a good entry point then. Thanks.