What's the point of making it financially when the general population is this viciously dumb?

What's the point of making it financially when the general population is this viciously dumb?

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To distance from them.

There's no running from them.
They run the hospitals, the banks, the governments, ...

So you can rule over them.
Unironically I really really enjoy it when people spend their money on useless shit, or get sucked in useless social movements that sucks their energy, time and money.
Now I am actually a good person who helps people, but for some reason I enjoy seeing some people at this state of mind.
The reason that general population is dmb, is becuase elites want them to be dumber so they can control them

where the fuck is this?

Yeah, but the poorer you are, the more you are at the mercy of the mob.

To dab on them

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so you can carve out a space for you and your family safe from the goyim

So you can say nigger online and when they track you down to shame you, you're already retired and in Monoco where they're too poor to enter.



They're part of the servant class, they are meant to serve you when you go to the hospital, bank, etc.. You don't actually have to view them as real people or talk to them outside of giving them orders.

One time when I was a kid, my mom told this joke:
>What's brown and sits on a piano stool?
The actual punch line was lame (Beethoven's last movement)
But I thought she was gonna say Stevie Wonder lol

Does this mindset work in the absence of Western civilization?


I assume it applies to any civilization.

Works on any.
In fact, all the second generation Muslims getting brainwashed as we speak.

So you can put penis in vagina

lol there is 0 (zero) nigger mobs on rural areas and small towns

Exactly true

This is what drives me more than anything. I just want to have fuck you money, so don't have to bother appeasing these fucking people.

Great so they aren’t where all the media is made and the financial institutions are headquartered. Zig Forumscels bragged about their guns and begged for ‘muh race war’ for years then when it happened they got scared and stayed in their houses.

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fuck off kike nobody cares. A bunch of niggers chimping out and destroying their own neighborhoods is not a "race war".

Listen, I'm about to shatter your world. The few larping retards on Zig Forums who talk about how they're going to kill everybody don't represent 0.5% of the right wing. The larger group who keep guns for self defense aren't going to drive out of the country or suburbia into a shitshow liberal inner city area to catch homicide charges over their own dumb bullshit. Your strawman is entirely made up. You can go ahead and defund your stupid city's police force for all I care, the suburbs aren't going to.

I'm the opposite. I want to use my resources to free people. The problem is that it's much easier to enslave people.

the point is so you don't have to interact with the general population. read emerson

This is all cope. Taking back your cities, White Man was a common refrain until you realized oh shit they’re not scared and will kick our asses. What happened to MAGA Night?

Soho in New York City and Melrose in Los Angeles are in the middle of completely white neighborhoods and got completely raided for all of their luxury goods. Where were the brave MAGA Patriots to defend their people? How come you’re giving up your major cities so easily?

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But I just got over my adolescent individualism.
I just started opening up to people and growing fond of small daily interactions.

I also developed a deep appreciation for my national heritage and culture.

is this an oxymoron? the only way to become filthy rich is from the unwashed masses.

>Soho in New York City and Melrose in Los Angeles are in the middle of completely white neighborhoods
Yeah, the kind of whites that willingly kneel down before blacks to atone for their white original sin.

Who is scared? Why would any White man fight to save the cities or something? Its their country now, has been for a while. Whites are just doing what they've been asked to do, and get out of the way of the rich diversity of POC. So long as they don't come to the rural areas they can do what they like. It's not our problem and after years of being told we're "racist Fascist white sexist cis-scum incel" & having the government back that up, why would any White man ever give a shit? Burn it all down, then eat each other. Idgaf.

It was not a common refrain you lying kike. "Death to urbanites" & shitposting about Uncle Ted is the refrain. Moving to the country & having lots of White babies in white communities, leaving the cities to die in race riots is the whole fucking idea. Atlas is shrugging, this is what you wanted - have fun.

No it wasn't. You're making shit up, Jesus Christ. Cities are lost, nobody disputes that.

Why do you need to be right where that stiff is? We have cars, planes, and the internet today.

when you make it financially. You can get the fuck away from them.

>Soho is white
it's ultra-liberal gays and rich chinese nationals buying $700,000 handbags

>What's the point of making it financially when the general population is this viciously dumb?
to get away from them and be as unaffected by repercussions of their mistakes as possible