Buying a home is when you become an adult

Buying a home is when you become an adult

it requires you to save
it requires you to network
it requires you to be a big boy

rentcucks do not rent because they are "saving money" doing so (a $170,000 house with 3.5% down (FHA loan) will run you about $1,000/month after taxes and interest) they do so because they:

1) are manchildren
2) too stupid to figure out how to go about buying one
3) lazy
4) scared
5) cant save money

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Calm down faggot, some people don't want to live in the same place for years

a) I've moved every 2-3 years
b) homes where I live now are literally 10x the figure you cited as your example
c) (you)



Yeah next you're going to tell me to stop facefucking single moms and accumulating chainlink. You're a moron and your commitments to absolutely meaningless things will be the death of you.

cognitive dissonance: the post

you hit the nail on the head. Anyone over 27 still living at home is not a man. He is a child. You should not rely on your parents past 27. Be responsible, no matter what your salary is, save fucking money, and move out of mommies house. Put the video game controllers down, cut back on the porn. IF you have to rent, then rent until you can afford a 20-40% down payment. Keep your mortgage low and build equity. Time to stop being a little child.

OP said nothing about living with parents you illiterate dicklover

t. cuck

wow. Must have struck a chord. But seriously listen to my advice you pussy manchild. Time to grow up and be a big boy

no u

I’m just waiting for 100k Bitcoin so I can pay off a nice upper class home and play vidya all day. We’re not even a year away probably, I don’t mind waiting a little while longer.

>make a post about being independent
>Zig Forums neets seethe
Every time

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>wasting money on a house and settling down like an old grandmother because society and tradition says it's a good idea
You must have the testosterone of a castrated chipmunk.

Right now is a terrible time to buy tho...

Ok, wtf are you talking about brainlet? It requires a bunch of banker Jews to lend you money & have a vaguely decent job. That's all. What's this "networking" shit?

I'm guessing the way you keep spamming this same faggot thread that you have some shitty houses you're trying to flip but can't because the market has more flavors of fucked than a baskin robbins.

We know you can’t tell us, because there are no girls.

I would love to live in a house, absolutely. But I want one that's better than decent and as far away from the ghetto as possible.

170,000 house, where the hell do you live, some run down shack in the woods? Now days youre lucky if you can find a nice place for under 300,000

Hes referring to the community you will be living in. Owning a house, if you arent retarded, requires you to become a part of that community in a tangible way, which is why it was required to even fucking vote originally.

gotta network with the bank, your realtor, their realtor, inspector, and sellers

small brain, so so small


girls like guys financially independent. owning a house is a big plus in that department. most 25 year olds do NOT have a house. I have a massive upper-hand on my competition

On the coast sure, down in texas or Arizona, or any state between the appalachians and the Sierra Nevada range. Shits cash and cheap. Billings Montana is my destination.

Yes thats why all the hot sluts date the biggest losers, because they only like guys who owns a house. I cant even think of the last time I saw a hot girl dating a guy that doesnt have his shit together, oh waaaait.

>Yes thats why all the hot sluts date the biggest losers

want to know how I know you're a teenager?

I can go all day my dude

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I have enough money to go 20 percent down on the houses I want, 800 credit score, $70k salary.... but I changed careers a year and a half ago so lenders refuse to give me money because it looks "risky." Instead I pay down my parents' mortgage and live with them. Fuck jews, fuck banks

Give me an example of how im wrong lol?

Is all of this home ownership the equivalent of the GOMAD meme on Zig Forums but instead of a shit phsyique you get stuck with a shit financial situation? 90% of stuff shilled here isn’t in your best interest and the fact we have daily house cuck/debt slave threads really gets my noggin joggin.

I don't give a fuck what girls want but I do want a house. I decided I'm going to make it in crypto and buy a house from that. Easy.

maybe im too privileged but doesnt this seem like a miserable life? everyone i know that makes $180k+ in their early to mid twenties rents because it gives them the freedom to move between big cities. if you buy a random cheap house in the middle of nowhere at a younger age youre pretty much just stuck there. theres a reason why the market has decided that a big place in bumfuck north carolina will only cost $170k