It’s so obvious biz. Volume has been the highest ever over the last 3 months and is consistently around $100 million...

It’s so obvious biz. Volume has been the highest ever over the last 3 months and is consistently around $100 million. Why?

The network has been released publicly and tether transactions will go live some time in the next week as I’m sure you already know. But what you probably don’t know is that currently the network fee is based on a percentage of OMG’s value. This means that the price is being kept down to allow the network to run reasonable fees. This is being changed in the next week when tether goes live to exactly 1/3rd of the Ethereum fee. Until staking comes, OMG is the only token you can use to pay the fees. The team did this to give value to the OMG token before staking goes live as well (note the OMG Network is capable of accepting any Ethereum token as fee payment but they are choosing to hold that back until staking is implemented).

Are you beginning to understand what is happening here? Exchanges can not only save 2/3rds of fees and speed up transfer of ANY Ethereum token, but they can profit even more from this by buying OMG tokens and holding them. So why isn’t the price rocketing yet? Because the fee system hasn’t changed from a percentage of OMG’s value yet as I explained above, so the price has to stay down until tether goes live in the next ~week.

The proof is in the consistent volume increase of the past 3/4 months. Exchanges are buying OMG tokens in hordes because they know it will not spike the price and because they know once the fee structure changes, nothing is stopping the price increasing exponentially. Get your head out of the sand and buy NOW.

Attached: D460A112-D889-4833-B8B2-4630A6C3455E.png (225x225, 3.95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Source for current transaction fee structure based on OMG price:

Source for planned 1/3rd ETH fee structure:

Source for fee structure change within the next week or so:

^is a Messari mainnet convention (Messari is a 3rd party blockchain research and news site) Q&A with the COO of OMG Network. You can hear at around 16:40 & 25:00 the mainnet will go live within the next week or so.

Attached: 1581C617-F1C9-4C0E-ADA4-D21633366BB2.png (225x225, 3.87K)

Not many people know about this fee structure change at all biz. Not many people realise that exchanges are able to currently purchase OMG at a price that will save them over 90% of ETH fees once the network goes live. Look at the volume over the past few months, they are accumulating waiting for this exact fee structure change and mainnet going live.

>exchange buys OMG for $2
>fee structure changes
>exchanges pump OMG price To $20
>exchange can now transfer ANY token on the ETH blockchain for 1/3rd the piece of the ETH chain
>they pay the fees in OMG, but the rate is decided on the price of ETH
>because they pumped OMG 10x, they are paying 1/10th transaction fees ON TOP of the 1/3rd discount naturally given to OMG Network
>exchange pays just 1/30th the cost of transaction fees

That is an example of what exchanges are doing right now. They can save 96% on the transaction fees of any Ethereum based token and in order to do it, they HAVE to pump the price. This is gold dust to the equivalent of insider information, do with it what you want but I think you’d be a fool not to buy in before the fe structure changes and mainnet goes live.

STOP SHILLING this absolute GOOK coin. shit is dead.

still have a bag from 2017. Wishful thinking desu

Nigga did you read the post? There is incentive for exchanges and Omise to hold the price down below $2 Before the fee structure change because the network relies on fees as a percentage of OMG at the moment. More expensive OMG = more expensive transactions.

Once the fee structure changes to ETH based, incentive for exchanges and Omise immediately switches to pump the price as high as possible. Just look at the fucking volume increase to understand that exchanges are intending to do exactly that

I swear to god biz complains about all the scam tokens posted here constantly, but this has an actual working product with a reputable company (largest payments provider in south east asia) behind it, and you’re one of very few people to know all of the above before any of it is priced in, and you call it a scam. I bet you own Unipower or ghost you fucking retard

It’s wishful thinking but he’s right about the incentive for the price to be held down until the fees change. Just have to wait and see but I’m hopeful, and people usually do follow incentives in crypto

I want to believe fren. may as well put 1000$ in it. But let me hear what would you shill except this skater token. If I had 10k$, where to put it for sweet gainz?

Yes this is correct. Nothing can be certain, but it looks very likely that exchanges are accumulating, and why wouldn’t they of it can save them 90%+ of all ERC20 and ETH transfers. That’s millions of dollars a month for exchanges

hey fagwit
traffic DOES NOT cause prices/value to rise for crypto. if it did mETH would have increased on value when tether went live on ethereum's network. that did not happen. kys dumbfuck

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