The open riots right after being locked down now irrefutably proves that corona was in fact a massive hoax to destroy...

The open riots right after being locked down now irrefutably proves that corona was in fact a massive hoax to destroy the economy over a common cold. Face it, you got played.

Attached: ES4EbUlXsAIMmX8.jfif.jpg (1149x1200, 142.94K)

Wrong board retard. Fuck off .

This is the correct board homosexual. The economy was destroyed by retards like you.

this entire board was making fun of it from day one posting threads with pictures of old people saying "thanks"

its fucking pol that kept pretending like it was a real making up all kinds of bullshit stories about how it destroys your brain and pretending to be nurses

Nice revisionist history.

You dummy , some states are seeing a 50% increase in new infections ever since the protests started . Use some damn common sense

>let's destroy the economy!
Said the wealthy elite who are heavily invested in the economy.

Oh no the two people sick with a common cold spiked to three.

How did I get played if I picked up 10k chainlink with a cost basis of 2.20 per?

>He doesn't know what shorting is