Did anyone ACTUALLY become happier with more money here?

No larps. What making it did to you? I am going to make it big time with my 200k LIT / 320 ETH but will that cure my depression?

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fuck yes

Define making it. I won't have to wageslave the rest of my life thats for sure. Gives me more time to focus on hobbies and lifting and spending time with people. So I'm pretty happy, a lot happier slaving behind a grill.

finding happiness in life user. I also used cannabis for my anxiety depression and it worked magic

>Define making it
enough money to stop being a wagecuck FOR LIFE

>I also used cannabis for my anxiety depression and it worked magic
never tried. Any side effects / drawbacks?

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Investing in projects pushing for Value Income and sustainability like VID.camera does is indeed a good idea. VID succeeds in setting up an ecosystem with businesses to provide Value Income in the form of digital campaigns.

My wealth is exploding, I’m sure the happiness will kick in any minute now.

let us know how it goes

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Gross... she probably has a tiny dick too.