/irg/ Indoor Ranching General #32

How's the ranch doing fellas?

>Where can I buy Cows?
>Can Cows be potty trained?
Yes (pic related)
>Can I indoor ranch in an apartment?
Yes, but cows are very vocal animals and if they don't like something they will mooooh really loud (So neighbours might complain about the noise)

Anyway, tell us about your Indoor ranching experience and tips and tricks to increase profits.

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I'm picking 12 little pigs up tomorrow for my indoor pig farm
my bacon is premium tier and I sell it to a 5 star restaurant

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why do (((they))) fear the indoor rancher?

Guys, my first heifer wandered upstairs and now she’s stuck up there. How do I get her down?

Gently have sex with her and if you make her cum she will follow you back down

She wants to come downstairs, it’s where I fed her. She can’t make it down the stairs.

I have 7 hogs in my 20x13 foot basement and only 1 toilet to flush all their shit. Every hour I'm scooping atleast 3 shovel loads of shit down the toilet and I have gone through 2 toilets and 3 wax ring leaks. Should I invest in a 2nd toilet or start selling it all as manure to local farmers? You fuckers made this sound easy but it isn't.

sup senpai. the ranch has been very comfy lately.
>tfw rolling around in cow poo
is their anything comfier lads?

What the fuck

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Just throw the shit in your yard, dig a trench.

t. 23 Hog backyard rancher

just throw the shit in your neighbours yard, let him dig a trench.

Imagine living like this so you can save like $100 a month on buying meat like a normal person.

I know money is everything on Zig Forums but living in literal shit to save $100 a month?

This is your brain on chainlink kids. Stay away.

Based simp

What the actual fuck Zig Forums?

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Holy shit.
The poor land lord gonna have a heart attack if he sees what you did with his property.
If it’s your own, then it’s based


Dude you got free manure on your hand.
Mix it with dirt and sell it as premium in your local farmer market.

Just raise rabbits instead holy shit


You fucking idiots have screwed me for the last time. No one here will ever make it.

Did any of you neglect to mention something? Cows can't go down stairs. I bought the damn cows, and brought them into my apartment, because I thought this was finally my chance to earn some solid money. I dealt with mess, after mess. I dealt with all the noise complaints. I've hauled bags of food up the stairs day after day. Was it worth it? Aboslutely not. I'm ready to sell the damn cows, but when I go to load them into the trailer, they won't go down the damn stairs. Google "get cow down stairs": turns out it's fucking impossible. I am screwed. I'm out well over $1000, and I'm going to get evicted.

This is the last time I EVER listen to Zig Forums.

Bros i got 6 Chester whites in my basement but they keep climbing up the stairs and flipping everything over in my kitchen for snacks. I love them and im worried that they're gonna knock the fridge over and get smushed. Can I bolt a fridge too the wall? I never see it done for some reason even with little kids

Sweet Vishnu

>he didn't invest in a loading ramp


You use a MOOver!

Get some plywood and cover the stairs. Maybe see if you can AstroTurf the sloap if that doesn't work? Really your fault for not knowing this

Yes, I think you'll make it

BUMPing this quality, BASED thread

Reminder that there is nothing the Jew fears more than an indoor rancher

tyson is monitoring these threads

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Buy a cattle prod faggot. They can walk downstairs, they just won’t on their own unless you force them or lay down some plywood.

Buy Cattle Diapers, saved me a lot of time

They have been out of stock in my area since March, you have them? I'd be willing to trade some extra Pillsbury salt licks for them.