Todays uniswap pump is

GhostX Private

Attached: logo.png (2325x2497, 30.74K)

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Fuck off kike.

Scam. Mcafee would not approve of jeets making a clone for 2 rupples.

no contract info.
no website.

yep, im in...

Attached: baby-ghost-vector-253831.jpg (1000x843, 89.19K)

Not happening pajeet

Perfect recipe for a pump kek

Probably the exact same guy as ETHx which just fucked a bunch of people. These are literal scams

Hahahahahahahahaha did you lose money

Attached: 1482398472894.jpg (500x500, 42.39K)

Some guy lost 25k and said he was going to rope

Fuck off, scammer.

I hope he doesn't. That shit's fucked. What a cunt of a move from the dev.

holy fuck lol


How do people know its the dev? Could be some early ethx whale who dumled later

because the dev pulled the plug in an announcement on discord. i didnt save the screenshot, but someone here would have.

so... like... should I do it guys? I kinda wanna do it. the fomo is fuckin strong guys

you dumb fucks who bought ethx will buy this

there are like no holders. only the contact and like a couple others... it could actually take off. no one to dump is a good sign?

I bought ethx and sold for 4x... am I dumb for only making 400% profit?

no but the bagholders who thought it was legit project are retarded

gotta ride the waves bro. nice gains, congrats

Guys, GHOST is another exit scam by McAfee!

Stop buying garbage guys, there are still pure gems out there in the wild!

SHUF is just a $150k Marketcap, it's verified by Uniswap, founder is a top notch Dev with reputation, and this has just started to get featured all over the place:

This is an easy 10X from here if you want it quick, and 100X++ if you hodl !

To buy, just go to Uniswap and type SHUF! yes, you dont even have to paste the contract address like the garbage you buying right now, because SHUF is legit and approved by Uniswap!

Thanks guys much appreciated.. im a wildcard in this game though, I shill tf outta any coin as long as i see people flooding in. As I've said before, shitcoins are worthless until people give it worth and thats where I find a lot of my gains happening.. esh; flama, pamp, sta, etc etc, all shit but lots of money I made.. who knows.. maybe ghostx can produce some as well. Im going to keep it in my radar for sure.. idc if its legit or not. That is why we all mess with these coins anyway isn't it?

This isn’t even GHOST you pathetic fuck. This is a uniswap shit clone where you’ll get the rug within minutes.

fuck off you shilling faggot

word dude. im about to go in on GhostX just to test the water... if it crashes I'll dip out faster... if it gains I'll ride the waves. pretty dope to see something with so few holders and so much opportunity to grow

Thanks bought 100k

Why its moving so much today ? first -50% drop and then +100% !! WTF ? Buy SHUF ?

Why do you retards fall for these scams

sidelines bants are useless bigman.

cause you make money quickly and drop out quickly.. profits is why we buy scam coins because we know other people will buy in and we know retards will hold lol

I also fell for 1000% ethx gains

I wouldn't yet.. personally I'd wait to see a couple more threads with +30 replies and then pull the trigger.. one meme isn't enough for me to jump in yet but its looking awfully tempting

yes buy the coin with absolutely no information. just a ghost clone being shilled

yeah that was rigged like some shit. i just wait for some decent movement before making decisions. early guys typically get fucked.

a clear PND. but so was Bitcoin... but Bitcoin held eventually. kinda how things go, you never know

Early guys gets fucked? I got in early and 2x in like 10 mins on ethx lmao.

sometime the scammers dump at the first sign of any movement cause they're dumbass pajeets