Need your expert advice Zig Forums. Have a strong desire to make it and I need the weaponised autism in this board desu

Need your expert advice Zig Forums. Have a strong desire to make it and I need the weaponised autism in this board desu.

>21, £2000 in Stonks
>Earn £24,000 a year waitering
>But saving 95% of my income from now on because don't pay accommodation and quite frugal

Realistically, what's my best shot ? Thinking I save £22k a year and put it into stonks diligently, dollar cost averaging. Fuck I just wanna /makeit/ and not slave.

Attached: 1591482486601.jpg (1080x1350, 767.7K)

The only real answer is to pour your funds into Tokensets. There's no token to shill, and no bags to fill, so you won't hear about them much on this board.

>Realistically, what's my best shot ?
ending it all right now

this or BUY LINK, those are the two viable options you'll get from here. Fuck off to the archives now.

Put 90% of your investable allocation into LINK, 10% into PNK.

ignore this cultist user. scamstinkers cant go a thread without showing up and trying to shill their scam token on people to get them to buy it. avoid scamstink at all costs. you would be better throwing your money into an unknown like validity or statera or pyro or kin over scamstink.

>muh 2.5yrs cult retort
to do nothing be nothing accomplish nothing cultist

imagine throwing your genes away just so you can plug a gook 6/10

ask me how i know you're an insecure 5/10 white boy from middle america with no accomplishments of your own to speak of

He's British his genes were gonna get flushed down the toilet eventually.

t. 40% white British in london

>£22k a year and put it into stonks diligently
retard. go all in crypto

But I don't know what to put it in and seems risky


My man, you have time on your side meaning compound interest is your friend, invest early invest hard. Put 25% crypto, 50% FB, GOOGLE, MICROSOFT, and AMD, 25% MODERNA and AYTO. enjoy your gf and job and let that shit grow.

Where can a white lad get a gf like this? Looks like the swiss alps to me.


He looks happier than you.

because i offended you, probably

>seems risky
Listen up retard.
Do you honestly think you are gonna make it from putting in 20k per year in the fucking lame stockmarket (which btw is only propped up by banks)
Your best shot at making a fortune is buying crypto. ETH or LINK or both

Found the chink

>invest early

White women are trash plus asians give great head plus they are unironically tight asf plus they have high iq



>seems risky
well yeah...have you heard of this concept of risk vs reward. You're a poorfag so you better start throwing some haymakers.

Or LEND. Don't forget LEND

Based and Korean girl friend pilled

Attached: EC7FDC0C-BD0C-4AE7-8D8E-196EF5652D04.jpg (960x960, 179.72K)

I dare you to reverse image search this. I know you won’t because it’ll go against your deeply held preconceptions

Attached: F2F982A6-1D34-4C10-A2F1-05F914E7D4F6.jpg (430x677, 37.89K)

What’s that?

Attached: 8DBD485B-DB7A-485B-B8A3-597E7CD67C2D.jpg (387x512, 44.53K)

korean girls jawbones

but yiren is chinese

Fuckin' retard ignores the only foolproof answer in this thread (), and then starts whining about risk while asking for investment advice. Fuck off.