Hex2X Megathread: Major Movements with First Code Going Live + Price Pumps

Hex2X has just pushed it’s litepaper and first github repo live at github.com/jackhex2x/hex2x-smartcontracts

The team developing Hex2X currently is somish.com and they are onboarding another dev team + CTO this week.

How is Hex2X different from Hex?

1) 80% of the ETH used to buy Hex2X in AA auctions is used to buy back Hex2X tokens from exchanges. 100% of these purchased tokens are then distributed locked-in to stakers proportionately. This boosts the token price, and also gives higher incentives to stakers

2) Hex2X already pays more than 2x the ROI of Hex. Hex2X uses an 8% annual inflation rate, which 100% of rewards are paid out to stakers.

3) The origin wallet will never collect a single Hex2X token. All tokens from early/late withdrawal penalties etc are allocated directly into the AA auction pool.

How is Hex2X distributed?

1) All HEX holders and stakers can claim Hex2X at a rate of 1:1 when mainnet is launched August/September

2) All Hex2T token holders (Hex2Temporary), at the snapshot date, will be aidropped 1:1 as well. Hex2T will be available on Uniswap.

3) Not all Hex holders will claim their Hex2X, every week 2% of all unclaimed Hex will be put up for a pooled auction. If you put 10% of the ETH into the claim pool, you will earn 10% of the Hex2X available.

Where can I buy Hex2T? uniswap.exchange/swap/0xed1199093b1abd07a368dd1c0cdc77d8517ba2a0

To view trading pair info: uniswap.info/pair/0xedAeDD22e653c504ff6806bf61664292848eB26e

How much interest is paid to stakers, and how is it paid?
1) The Hex2X inflation rate is 8% per year, roughly double that of Hex.
2) 100% of all inflation is paid out to stakers.

-We aim to capture at least 10% of the Hex total marketcap, as a very attainable goal. The total marketcap of hex is currently at $1 Billion. 10% is a $100Million marketcap. Our marketcap is currently $1M. This will result in at least a 100X ROI.


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richard heart on suicide watch

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Hex holders are just going to fucking dump when they get this token. Good idea, but you're all fucked for mainnet

hex holders are 100% autostaked for 1 year... 2% released weekly.
hex2t holders are fully unlocked from day 1.

Hexicans aren't dumping

Sorry sweetie, but they won't. If you bothered to read the lite paper you would have seen that 100% of hex claims are staked and are released at a rate of 2% per week. They can withdraw early but those remaining hex2x tokens go directly to other stakers.

Somish are all Indians...

i think they were just contracted to write code. theyre not behind the project themselves

main( ) {
printf("hello, curry\n");

are you saying indians can't code? What are you some kind of racist?

Man I’m here from /pol what are you Jews even talking about. Shud I buy gold or silver

Apparently their next team will not be from india. So something for everyone. Even racists XD

damn this thing is legit as fk. gotta buy some more

Let's stay on topic guys. Hex2x is the shit

chances of 30x or 40x from here?

to only get 10% of hex marketcap is a 100X.

Fucking insane risk/reward.


If you can get some good coders, I'd be in big time. Idea is solid, but you need a better dev team.

strap the fuck up!

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Crushing ATH's

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>) All HEX holders and stakers can claim Hex2X at a rate of 1:1 when mainnet is launched August/September
What's that catch. This is epic.

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When you just keep showing the same chart instead of linking to chart so I can see it it make you look like a scam.

There is no link.
They aren't even on coingecko yet.
A discord guy makes these himself based off uniswap data points.

Imagine once they fucking list on coingecko... madness I tell you

Now fuck ur self who said on day 1 its a scam if u wanna change ur life still to early grab some 1000x not far for us now hex is Past welcome to Hex2t.

Charts are made via Uniswap API data bro. CG, CP and CMC listing apps already done. Shit takes time. We running a marathon bro, not a PnD sprint. Believe what you want, but don't come cryin to mommy when you get left behind!!

Its up 80% since op posted this

I am the prophet XD

It will go up another 80% in the next 10 hours

Whats the make it stack

1B tokens at only 10% of hex's marketcap is $400,000.

Or pick up 100M tokens and hope to hit 25% marketcap for $100,000

Sick ive got 150mil. Hopefully pyra can turn it into 200 by mainnet

amazing how Zig Forums keeps ignoring these and jerking itself off over actual scams

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im wet

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