8 holders atm price going up gucci, early train taking off

U mightve seen this already and this seems like a shil because it fcking is, its too early, this can land on mars not moon
lets go marsmars anons together strong

Attached: Screenshot_79.png (341x148, 2.73K)

let's do this!!!!! 50x

Attached: 119-1195747_53-kb-png-apu-apustaja-happy.jpg (840x491, 137.65K)

clearly a PND but I'm in if it starts to actually move. waiting for a good pnd for a while now

hell fcking yeah lets go
cant wait to see some triggered nigurs here trying to dip it

I actually have no clue, all I can see is 50x minimun and I dont care about shiling it, its at the garage right now getting ready for a rocketship

holy shit it's mooning hard!!!!

Fuck it I'm going in

already got a thread up for it you spamming faggot

Yeah its 3x since 8 min or so..get seated anons we gonna all be gucci soon

shiling it as much as I can, it deserves it becuase its only just started so better buckle up

He is right.. it really did look for yourselves.. shit coin or not I already am up 50 percent

Ahh aight I understand the plans now. carry on fellow investor user

so there arent any 50% bagholders or anything too scammey... this is pretty cool. do I go in now guys?

Holy pump!! Hahaha I knew it! Idc if its shit or not.. i just went from .5 to. 72 in a matter of minutes!

Getting in this early is never a miss..I mean 20 holders..cmon, it gets 120-200 easy

it's not dipping this early user. get in now for a quick 2x

You are literally in other threads right now talking about pumping and dumping on suckers

Am I making money... answer is yes its happening right now! Like right now this shit is blowing up. Shit or not.. profits are crushing rn!!

You are clearly a master of your art if you can invest a whole 0.5 eth into a shitcoin

Im shilling the coin yes.
Pumping and dumping? Yeah I've been trading shitcoins for quite some time of my life, not all coins are pumps and dumps, but 90% of them if you get early you get good profits kind sir so please..dont try to argue, monkeys are bad at it

best ghost!

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Jesus Christ you scammers are insufferable. I hope no one falls for this shit

Only 5 minutes ago you said 100% of coins on Zig Forums are shitcoins and that the right way to operate is to pump the shit and then dump it as soon as retards buy in

please for the love of god dont spread lies here mate
go ahead link me where I said anything in that context or anything close to it
You trying to dip this right now is so sad, i dont really know the reason for it but it might be cus ur not able to invest so ur salty :/

we learned from Sergay

Shitcoins make money and this is ballooooonning as we speak look for yourself! 0x32fcf6796dDc3e22fD2d4FbC6b7BB496C9eEC8ea

He also said that he is recruiting people to help him shill these shitcoins

been shitting up half of the sta thread with his 0.3 eth profit

fucking lol

Salty sta people mad their money is tied up in sta. When this shit is literally mooning!!! Salty crackers hahahahah

anons need to learn how to cut losses and ride pumps

Good luck selling with all 20 of those wallets

HAHAHHAHAHAHHA im reading this shit high af right now and bro I cant even take u serious, just look how much shit is coming out of your mouth..disgusting creature

i'm not even in sta was just reading a thread about it kek i lurk here for frogs and people getting rekt by bitmex

said he'd leave 2 posts in
>18 posts by this id

do whatever you want with your time man but jesus fuck you sound like an annoying cunt

Okay im sure now u just dont have anything to invest so ur sad..its okay man I've been there but I wasnt a piece of shit like you.
But. gimme ur address i'll drop u 20 bucks no problem