Wtf NANO is still pumping

Look, I know it is le reddit coin, technically pre-mined due to it all being given away via captcha faucet several years ago, and the shills are annoying as fuck, some of them obviously low IQ, but this shit has been pumping non stop for the past month. From 6500 sats to now.... 13,000... it has actually increased to 13,170 since I started typing this post. Now 13,210. So are we just supposed to ignore this /biz? The tech behind it seems solid, the team is entirely white, and there are rumors seemingly coming from multiple people that it will end up on coinbase at the end of the month.

What do you think?

Attached: nano.png (640x640, 30.9K)

Everyone on biz who isn't a retard has a stack, user. Don't tell me you fell for the FUD, did you?

i haven't read about this shit for years but isn't it literally like instanteanous, free transactions

seems kind of based

I am currently down on some Uniswap gems, worried I am going to miss out on insane gains if I pull out now. Ugh, going to wait and hopefully at least break even then I guess I will buy a stack when it dips.

user, I...

Uniswap is for PnD nothing else. You'll get burned sooner or later.take some profits out at least

I am at a loss currently

Get out while you can then. Once it pumps and dumps it's over with

This shit is like TRON, it may well pump but it's still hot trash. You are playing musical chairs if you buy this shit.

Attached: 1541414355197.jpg (960x2117, 716.36K)

idk, that is what I thought but it has been pumping non stop for the past month. What would you recommend instead?

What is a good amount of NANO?

As much as you can afford, really.

nano is the future. amazing price still

It's retracing atm too, now is as good a time as ever. 13k sats.

If you think Nano is hot trash, then all of crypto is hot trash lmao
Every coin has gone through its hurdles. Nano is appealing because the feeless aspect, and split second transaction confirmation

Ok, I am transferring my ETH to Binance now.

>> like TRON

stopped reading right there.

NANO isn't like TRON at all. NANO isn't even like BITCOIN.

wait for the pullback to stop before buying in. Someone moved 40k nano to binance @ 1350. We are at 1275 now. Wait for it to stabilize and buy as it reverses. Might be at that point now, will see.


imagine having 40k nanies and selling near bottom prices.

It was some trader who wanted to break even. Even traders with long term bearish predictions are showing TA that suggests 13k to 18k is a solid bullish zone. Not sure what the guy was thinking really.

It's going down now, why would you buy the top

I am thinking I am going to wait until 1250, good idea?

>> the top

zoom out.

I sent two NANO transactions to the same address recently within 5 seconds of each other.
Second transaction was orphaned. Will the NANO ever go through?

Wait until trend reversal. It will stabilize and then when it jumps up a bit is when you buy. >19630191 Kind of has the right idea, but we are only at a short trend top. The real top is $37, and the next resistance is at 18k sats. But we are definitely retracing from a 100% gain in a 1 month period, and 20% gain in 24 hours, so a pullback is to be expected. Prob want to wait at least an hour or a half hour, but preferably as soon as sentiment gets bullish again, which as mentioned will be after it stabilizes and starts increasing in price again.

No such thing as orphaned transactions, but a receive block needs to be published. Which wallet are you using? I recommend Natrium. The Nano Wallet is depreciated as is Canoe, both are prone to errors. Import your seed with Natrium instead and it will be recognized.

Looks like it might have bottomed, buy now?

I sent it from Natrium to an exchange.

Wait for 1275-1280 assuming it doesn't drop lower.

Exchanges don't typically receive instantly like wallet to wallet. So it will go through in a few minutes. What is the txid? Want to make sure you aren't a troll.

Buy now

going up again

imagine missing out on this coin because you fell for 3 year old zackfud