What has life come to?

Either a super scam coin or you go to the moon. thoughts Zig Forums?

Coin is for alphachads


Uniswap is gay

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-ReplaceColor-DSNSNV0qNsJ.jpg (739x739, 40.48K)

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hint: its the former
buy statera

Unipower is going strong. Now trading on Bidesk exchange and two dapps already pumping.

Dividend Staking- staticpower.io/

Double Up- powerdouble.me/

with additional ones in development..

imma jusit dive in fuck it

Seems like a low liquidity coin, means prob high probability of mooning. Looks like a tronesque clone. In for. 5 eth

just bought a million lets see where this goes

rumors of ties to same team as unipower, first legit fork?

scam 100%

I’m in

Eh fuck it I'll go in Needa recoup the ghost shit funds


In for a small bag but seems like pot 3x

Price is moving!

Still sub 50 wallets finally early?!!!

I'm ready to fucking moon

In it now

Where the fuck can I buy it its not on uniswap.

How high can this go? Just filled up some more,


Almost 2x from initial investment. Let’s ride this one to 10x!

nice one

Prob first legit fork of a coin. No h3x, hex2x, bullshit scam coins. Is actially a fork of unipower with same dev team

Are you fucking lying lmao? This shit has $70 in volume, almost no liquidity.

I didn’t say I bought a huge sum in eth. Going in at the ground floor would cause too much price slippage

It will exit scam in under an hour. I'm not falling for these scams anymore.

It's a new coin wtf do you expect fucking retard

Shit is fire gonna moon and pop off

Im down to throw some eth at it but some people are saying its a legit fork of unipower, can I get a link to a discord or someshit? atleast some info to the devs?

Dev team is led by Mr. Bobby aka hank creator of projects like ethetgoo, trongoo and frag token. Legit has been in crypto for over 10 years. Is as legit as it gets

It's not a fork at all why don't you retards check the contract once in a while, it's just a useless coin made from an ERC20 generator

I asked for links faggot, I have no idea who the fuck Mr Bobby is.
I checked the contract its looks suspect as fuck.

it literally isn't you fucking autist. shit is first actual project that is legit but you wanna FUD bc you lost on PAMP.

Anyone can take a look at the contract and see that I'm right. All your lashing out does is making it more obvious how much of a scummy greedy fuck you are.

# of addresses is 10 and dropping. These scams are wearing thin.

Source? you fucking lying scumbag

Honestly 99% of shit here is pnd atleast Im early for something

Early enough to lose your money when they exit scam.

put just 0.1 ETH and R/R great :) stil super early