Rich relative died from covid recently and i was left with a large sum of money

rich relative died from covid recently and i was left with a large sum of money


how can i turn this into a million dollars and never have to work again?

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Hex2T, stake it until mainnet, cash out 5x your initial ez pz.

i would advise you to put 50% in crypto because beside that, there is no such great ROI, of course dont buy crap like hex2T, eth, bitcoin, NO LINK, and a lot of dyor

All in Chainlink you'll have well over a mil by 2022

This probably

All in on PNK

Honestly? Buy Veth.
Hope we all make it

Buy undervalued blue chip stocks that pay good dividends. REITs, XOM etc

STA and hodl for a month, check out the daily threads for more info

In all seriousness,
10k LINK
Rest on XSN

The linkpool is for early staking where you will receive passive income. Put the rest in XSN and set up your Masternodes. DEX is coming this month or next month. I guarantee you'll probably be the richest user on Zig Forums

Or you could just not listen to a green frog on an racist anime meme forum and continue to suck Chad's dick for a living.

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For the love of god buy a truckload of hex right fucking now, trust me when I tell u that this is the best advice you were ever given in your entire fucking life.

Get off of Zig Forums now. These dumb faggots will have you broke and in debt in a week.

Actually decent advice. Dividends are your friend. Stay away from dipshitcoinz

bought into this coin a little bit hope it takes me somewhere


not even bullshitting, BUIDL. It's creating a whole ecosystem under ETH that will change open source software forever. I bought it cheap and sold at the ATH, but now I understand the project and Im buying back in for a long term hold. It's under 50 cent right now but I easily see it going to $5 as more of the roadmap i achieved.

Buy silver.


lol sage advice.

It's true. Most end up like pic-related.

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Bitcoin is going to plummet soon as whales sell above 10k, buy that dip with at least some. You can probably 3x a good chunk over the subsequent months since btc is headed to 15k eoty

same here

bot @6 cnts. Sold 40 cnt. BUT buying back dips. Already regretting selling.
Would defo recommend buying everything below 30cnt. I am waiting over there my friends, dump pls.

biz packed with scamshitcoins all around...
research the community around buidl....Link early 2017 feelings

buidl is an exception with just few others (FUND? )

mind the risk.
buy accordingly and buidl

Bro if I bought and held even down to the dip I would be in six figure territory. That's how I was so eager to jump into scam coins because of the "lesson learned". I know BUIDL will be around for years so I'm investing into it

Buy 20k GHOST. I’m in with 20% of my net worth.

Pay any taxes on it, just so the gov doesn't fuck you in the ass
Put 5k in by friday, get out by the 25th. 30th if you insist on playing with fire
Even if shit keeps going up, don't get back in. Don't be newton.
Grab stocks that haven't been affected by the bubble yet (i.e. hasn't increased more than 60% since mid-may), so that you can get them at a discount and sell at a premium

Between now and the popping of the bubble, research various companies that you think have potential for growth. Don't invest in one company or asset. Sure, getting a 4x return on 180,000 would be great, but it'd be better to be out 1,000 than 180,000
For long-term capital gain: AMD would be a safe bet. Last I checked it doesn't have any divvies. Again, after the pop. Any tech company that isn't a penny stock (

I've been in amd since they were 12 bucks. I also have mad options on them the last few months. I will be getting out soon.

Also user I make or lose 6 figures a day. I have 7 figures invested. On 3 million my portfolio goes up 200k Monday and down 120k yesterday. If those numbers make you nervous, don't even dip your toes in.

Buy $20000 worth of RSR and put the rest into 8% ROI boomer stocks.
Or risk it all on Chainshit and be poor forever

Invest right now in oil stock, airline stock and cruise stock

All in unibright

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Buy absolutely zero shitcoins and stay in stocks. I repeat, do not buy bitcoins of any type. They are useless.

>rich relative

Fuck that you so much sergey. Two years ago I had a meager $7k in my portfolio. Now it’s $196k and I am “rich” according to Biz. Fuck it will be fun to see what this thing does in a bull market