The stock market will start dumping next week

The stock market will start dumping next week

Attached: source_in_webm_title.webm (742x480, 2.78M)

source pls

Probably. Trump made one of his STOCK MARKET ALL TIME HIGH! tweets which is a massive sell signal.

I hope so, I missed buying the Sony stock dip

That's a man

I hate seeing genuinly sweet women like this broken.
But karma is a bitch.

Attached: ggSRfZD.jpg (459x646, 55.97K)

I agree

take your profits from the run up and buy gold or short it if your nuts are big

why do women shake their hands like that
with their hands pointed downwards

that's a man

Why are there so many Zig Forumsfags on Zig Forums?

Trump said he sold all his stocks before the 2016 election so he is probably salty.

>that passive aggressive file name as if anybody would ever want the source

I checked it out. She slaps his cock like it offended her, and then she gets naked and her body is underwhelming.

they are reaching for your soul,user.

what a wide karen

glad Haley Joel Osment can still get work

bump for sauce pls aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

As soon as he tweeted that I dumped everything

>he bought the top

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evolved out of the kissing hands fad in europe

Built for bbc

Robinhood UI is so fucking retarded. just went to close a few options but it defaults to buy, not sell when you click on it from your portfolio. just fucking bought the top where I meant to sell. god dammit. waste of $500 fuckign god damn Robinhood niggers

holy shit I just did it again. fucking kek. I wish I was larping. should be able to come back in the green before they expire....but holy fuck this god damn UI.
>defaults to buy.....displayed in red coloring
wtf guys

oh no master trader gets btfo by robinhood

Attached: 452.jpg (500x508, 37.29K)

>literal retards using RH
this is how you know we're coming down off a market top

but seriously what is her name

um, the market is dumping today sweetie

Found it:

Attached: 1585025050900.jpg (80x53, 1.68K)

she's such a nice fucking slut
gonna coom to her later

Yep, it's Bartosz Kurek

Hannah Brooks

>she gets naked and her body is underwhelming.
BLESSED gaybro
being gay would be so much easier