/XMR/ Monero General: The Fed Edition

Sup lads. Who here is feeling comfy?
Later today the Fed meeting may cause some fireworks. With the stocks looking like the most obvious bubble an history -- especially with the amount of businesses closing, high unemployment, and the possibilities of a second wave emerging -- we shall see how the markets react to whatever Chairman Powell has to say. This may lead to some nice opportunities to fill up some bags.
If you are a newbie looking for some insight, feel free to ask your questions and a Monero user will lead you down the right path.

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monero is one of my favorite coins but im starting to lose hope, shitcoins are pumping left and right and all xmr does is be le stable to btc rate goy.

If you're looking for a pump and dump meme then you should probably go elsewhere m80. Monero is about slow and long term growth. The low price is a benefit of the tech barrier and normies scared of regulation.

Attached: monerodailytransactions.png (1857x733, 218.01K)

>> low price.


>shitcoins are pumping left and right and all xmr does is be le stable

The shitcoins you see pumping left right and centre are mostly Uniswap scams and other random p&d projects. XMR is a solid project that's also undervalued and it's price will go up slowly. XMR is the long game, just like Bitcoin.

Monero will need to fork Safex to stay relevant

Attached: Safex more relevant than Monero.jpg (857x491, 57.67K)

mining SAFEX vs MONERO is 25% more profitable, so far!.

Attached: safex vs xmr.jpg (617x183, 30.2K)

The only CONSISTENT slow and long term growth I've seen in cryptoland was Chainlink.

Monero follows usual cycles like 99.99% of coins out there, and when it does it doesn't pump as much.

It's a legit and comfy hold but it's not a money maker unfortunately.

Shut the fuck up

He look it's another sub 50 IQ brainlet shilling a random project with an entirely different ecosystem that uses a public blockchain in a Monero thread. KYS

Correct, Monero doesn't pump and it has a pathetic btc ratio. But this is indicative of an irrational market that will eventually correct. The tech Monero offers is too strong not to. It's not like one of the products derived from Bitcoin. It's fungible, digital cash.
chainlink has no long term future. it does not solve the oracle problem. It's one of the biggest scams in crypto right now. any centralized premine should be looked at with overwhelming scrutiny...and when you add in the fact that chain link doesn't actually solve the oracle problem you realize that it -- along with almost all of Ethereums products -- are nothing more than short term pyramid schemes. (fwiw Ethereum does have first mover effect for smart contracts and is likely going to make a lot of people money in the bull run...not really disputing that).
But I don't care about pumps. I just want a cryptocurrency that actually works as intended and is fungible. People will eventually come as adoption continues. Frankly if we stay sub $100 for the next two years. I'll be fine as long as the tech continues to improve and the adoption continues to grow. The pump mindset is just unhealthy when you are looking at investing with cryptos just because this market is so volatile.

i have 100pct faith in the long term propositions of monero. However, if you want to grow value, holding xmr isn't your best bet right now. personally I'm trading shitcoins and putting profit in xmr. that works wonderfully.

I understand your position. Personally I don't think the risks are worth it. I'd rather just support something I know works and that I have a genuine interest in.

yes ok. but I want to be able to buy a house, in 3 years, not in 10 years.

Good morning, brother Chad.

Dubs of definite truth.
Projects like cakewallet are bringing the tech barrier down, brick by brick.

Raj you can't just copy paste the same thing in every thread. Have some creativity. Also you don't have a dick.

These are based posters.


Glad to note that we've driven 0x faggot from our thread back to his village.

I'm gonna have some coffee and I'll dump educational links after.

Ghost will btfo Monero, get fucked sadcuck

yeah but cryptogambling is really not the best long term plan of getting money user. You're better off getting a stable job and slowly building wealth. Also don't get married ;)
I kek'd at brother chad

> ghost

did they just need to shit out a project as fast as possible? why would you name your currency "Ghost". Think about this for a few seconds. at one hand we have "Monero" which means Money in a lot of languages. at the other hand we have some shitcoin named "Ghost". so, do you think you will ever be able to pay with "Ghost"? fucking retards I swear.

>Ghost will btfo Monero,
There's always one Brainlet ghost bagholder that invades every XMR thread thinking Ghost has "superior tech" when in reality it was cobbled together by reddit pajeets in two weeks

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>> stable job.

I am at work right now. Also, your proposition only is valid for places where you have low taxes.

I will get married. But in spirit.

why would anyone buy monero when ghost is superior in literally every way?

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These posts will never grow you a dick. You'll have to spend your life as a eunuch trying to time it just right so that John McAffe's dump lands on someone else's chest.

Now go start yet another ghost thread and let the adults talk.

Beam is superior to all other privacy coins

>ghost is superior in literally every way?
Explain your hypothesis brainlet...
You need to come good because there's some pretty high IQ user's here ready to put you down.

Can anyone redpill me on the Ghost shilling? I haven't been to Zig Forums in a while but is this the new flavor of the month Monero-killer or what?

>Monero-killer or what?
Far from it... John Mcafee hired some lazy stoner to copy + paste the pivx whitepaper then they hired literal pajeet devs off reddit to cobble together a "mainnet" in 2 or 3 weeks... It's was a flavour of the month p&d shitcoin with a bunch of bagholders still sitting around desperate to sell

^ Monero 101 for anons who aren't familiar with the project and want to learn more. Even if you're a Chad, it's never bad to brush up on fundamentals.
Strategy for those in the community on how to do your part promoting monero to your peers and the world at large. (NOTE: we firmly encourage you to be a realist, not an optimist. If you're going to pitch monero to your friends and family, educate yourself first and tell them all the potential bad things along with the good. No one should buy any crypto expecting that it's sure to moon, or that it couldn't all collapse like a house of cards. We have good reasons for thinking Monero has a bright future, but no one is Nostradamus.)
^ Recent article to share with friends who are on board with the revolution but want to achieve it bloodlessly.
>"Whether you need to move your money into a private, digital store of value out of necessity or you want to participate on principle to opt out of the current financial system, join us. Together, we can use new technology to limit the intrusion of corrupt bankers and governments, and participate in a financial system that empowers the people. We are all in this together. Let us use these tools to be the change we want to see in the world, for us and our future generations."

Obligatory LOKI is going to out gain and you can still feel comfy post

Attached: LOKILOKO.png (1920x1080, 217.01K)


>"According to public records, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Internal Revenue Service are planning to buy licenses from Coinbase for a cloud-based software called Coinbase Analytics. According to the prospective DEA contract, Coinbase's software will provide "identity attribution" for crypto addresses both domestically and internationally."
>"Dash and Zcash allow users to conduct transactions with greater privacy, but that doesn’t mean they provide total anonymity. The two cryptocurrencies’ privacy features — both in how they’re built as well as how they’re used in the real world — leave room for investigators and compliance professionals to investigate suspicious or illicit activity and maintain compliance. With Chainalysis product’s support, cryptocurrency businesses are now able to incorporate Dash and Zcash into their compliance programmes."
We didn't care about Verge. We don't care about DASH, or Zcash, ghost, or loki, or beam, or whatever the fuck. Your project may moon. Good for you. We're not here to talk about you and your shitcoin. OUT. RAUS.

Attached: dontbuymonero.png (827x1181, 80.66K)

nope. It's monero without ring signatures, and you need to be online with the other person to make a payment, which is a major pain in the ass. you also have a dev fee in place, and a much tinier community. Mimblewimble is pretty cool for scaling however and it is why Tari is being built on it.
It's a total scam coordinated by pump and dump maestro John Mcafee. The privacy options on it are optional and and most cases nonexistent.
I don't really understand what you are saying. At least, from where I live, you are taxed literally every time you "flip" a crypto when you are doing your trades. It is actually more cost effective to just buy and hold. I mean, you can get around not paying taxes for small purchases, but user, if you are going to be buying a house you will have the taxman wondering where you got all your money, and you will then open up a can of worms looking through all your trades.
obligatory "the monero fork with no community, small dev team, and no adoption is never going to get anywhere" response.

Who is moneromooo?

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