First of all i'll start off with the obligatory

First of all i'll start off with the obligatory.
You didn't listen!

Iconic is onboarding the Napoleon group for their asset management platform.
News will drop proper tomorrow.
Here's an interview with Damien Moser where they talk about it

20% of the profit will be Iconics fee and out of that 20% will be bought at market as ICNQ and then burnt.
Some of you will be smart enough to actually realise that this is kind of a big deal.

Attached: didn't listen.jpg (1030x231, 31.19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is gonna 50x like UBT (who ICNQ funded for gods sake) and these fags will wonder why no one bothered to shill it

To the moon, boys

Yup, clients having to market buy UBT from the open market is what made it sky rocket. I don't think these faggots understand what the first regulated crypto asset management platform is like. They're sperging over Statera made by two nobodies for being an index fund but this shit is beyond legit

Clients having to market buy icnq is what you mean, surely

And then don't forget whats coming next.
The ETNs will start listing and their fees will also pump the ICNQ token.

Man i've been having a fucking blast just sitting around waiting on this one after you retards thought it was a scam.
I've been accumulating since late 2018 and now things are coming together and coming together bigly.

Attached: ETNs.png (1047x940, 80.03K)

holy shit

Yes I was just comparing it to UBT. The early fud with UBT was why would clients agree to just market buy...and they did, and it mooned. ICNQ is doing the same

Clients don't need to market buy themselves, well they can if they want to since they get perks and lower fees on the platform if they hold more than 100k usd worth of tokens.
But the buys themselves are done by Iconic so when they collect the fees from the clients they take 20% and use that to buy ICNQ and then send them to the burn wallet.

Supply right now is sub 10 million tokens.
50% of the total supply got burnt since they did their public sale during the worst of the crypto winter.

Attached: assetm.jpg (1563x875, 198.77K)

Based, watch biz ignore this while they buy the fifth version of hex. Consequently they'll also buy our bags at $50