Hear me out

Hear me out.
What if Craig Satojeet is actually working with glowniggers and (((them))) to establish BSV as the new world reserve currency?
It'd be the ultimate way to keep anyone with more than two braincells out of adopting it before the big nose tribe can transfer their wealth.
They're distracting us with the real Bitcoin and projects like LINK, making BSV seem like an absolute scam.
Think about it, some early miner went through the effort to discredit Craig, yet somehow the price didn't move.
Full disclosure, I own 0 BSV and don't plan on acquiring any, just a thought.

Attached: 1586301982300.jpg (1512x2016, 786.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:


How about the simpler explanation that he’s a con artist who sees easy marks?

>MILF id

Attached: 1sgb10mxbbc41.jpg (1080x811, 34.03K)


Who is he scamming?

Desperate kids who somehow think that crypto will somehow save them from the system, which is to say people who buy crypto. It’s easy money

It's all one global system & everyone just copies the code.

>who somehow think that crypto will somehow save them from the system
That applies to most people buying ANY crypto. I'd say even moreso than those who somehow decide to buy BSV instead.

Yes, that’s my point. The whole space is scammy as fuck and slimeballs like Craig see the opportunity. There’s money to be made

It's obviously true.

in a world of scams bsv actually works... $.00012 tx fee, 20K tx per second proven on mainnet, more on testnet... not sure what more you want

July 6th.

>Craig Satojeet
Hard kek

Maybe a secure network that cannot be BTFOd by one btc mining pool 51% attacking it?

tell me, if it demonstrably works 10,000 times better than btc using the original code, then what the hell have core developers been doing?

implementing RBF and pushing small blocks to actively kill the network potential and utility.

why? businesses will always act in a way that aligns with their profit seeking intent. look into how blockstream plans to make money.

Wrong. Craig works for the British government as a spy posing as a fake Satoshi to lure the real Satoshi out of hiding by doing the absolute dumbest shit that Satoshi would never do. If the real Satoshi steps up he/she will be arrested on the spot and interrogated for ruining centralized banks.

youre giving that scammer credit for actually being a retard.
thats what low iqs do anyways, they always give more power to the full on retarded and the more scammy and jewish it looks the more retards flock to it.

I'm not going to act like I know the technicalities behind why bitcoin is a slow piece of shit. The code is open source and has been worked on by some of the best cypherpunks for the past decade, surely they're not all in on the conspiracy to keep bitcoin slow without any merit.
Clearly they're banking on having the most secure chain out there and solving issues like high fees via second layer solutions.

You still didnt' address that BSV can never work for as long as BTC miners can fuck with their network.

This could also be it.

>he still doesn't know who satoshi is
Banks are already in, user

Attached: IMG_9497.jpg (1500x1000, 437.59K)

>couldn't quite get his thumb up in time

Attached: 1512320307193.jpg (1024x792, 615.47K)

tell me why they haven't fucked with it


satoshi didnt get his legendary thumb up...

Attached: 1586200923752.png (200x232, 13.94K)

>ZzZ id
anybody feeling sleepy?

Attached: nightpepe.jpg (655x600, 217.92K)

>no double spend attack occurred during the block reorg.
so i ask again
why haven't they fucked with it


Attached: 1588425961006.png (600x506, 99.17K)

>that id

Attached: D7C81B17-86E6-4240-89F3-601B3D93602C.jpg (473x1024, 50.28K)

How do you double spend on a chain that nobody fucking uses? It's not some mystery. If they have the same hashing algo as BTC, they can get fucked.

yes thank you, now you can stop stop talking about muh 51% attack
nobody with 1000ph of hardware is going to risk going to jail for something so retarded

BSV is more bad than Link

So that's your solution? The chain is so useless that it's not worth attacking?

for now, obviously, and the risk reward ratio is not good
miners aren't communist retards like greg, they are profit oriented

here you can learn all about it, a new video by satoshi all about security

Pic related, I assume.

I feel like (((they))) would be smarter than to use some gay ass segwit token as the world reserve currency.

>for now
That's not a long term solution. With how hated Craig is, people will attack the chain just out of spite if BSV ever manages to gain some traction.

I think glowniggers are smart enough not to get into bed with this fucking clown. If they are trying to do new world currency shit, they'd do better than to put this scam artist at the front of it. This is why I bought into LINK. If glowniggers are doing something, I'm buying into it because it will probably moon.

You're probably right. They'll most likely create a new blockchain based stable coin, which will need oracles.

looks autistic af in that pic. definitely satoshi

so again, why haven't they done it already while the chain is weak?

Give us an answer instead of questions

BSV has the decentralization of one (1) bag of potatoes, and its name is Calvin Ayre.

I know, it's weird to give bags of potatoes names, yet here we are.

The moment Calvin decides he's wasted enough money believing Craig Wright's lies, the entire BSV ecosystem collapses.