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how much?


>no rate increases through 2022
jesus fucking christ. We will see negative interest rates after this next plunge. These fucking kikes are going to destroy us.

No surprises here. These filthy fucks are gonna go full hyper-active hyperdrive. Gear up, Goys.

Fuck kikes. They are using 2000 yrs of oppression to get away with it.


yeah but cant they just say this, but actually reduce the QE amounts? like if they said "we are going to reduce QE" everyone would pull out and start watching for good puts. this way, they actually slow printing and everyone keeps thinking its the time to buy


>mfw waiting for press conference

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>the Committee decided to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent
so they are choosing the hyperinflation route?

Food prices by me are already going through the roof. Hyperinflation is on the menu boys. Buy GOLD now.

It’s been the main course since 2009, where the fuck have you been?

>shiny boomer rocks
no thanks i'll live and die with bitcoin

Gold is literally shooting up in a straight line right now after the Fed's announcement on rates. I warned about this inverse correlation between gold and real rates yesterday. Remember, when gold goes up, stocks are crashing in real terms.

Attached: gline.gif (262x130, 1.96K)

The dollar is currently crashing. It seems that Peter Schiff and not Brett Johnson is going to be proven correct.

Attached: dollarindex.png (2560x1440, 104.45K)

So, this is how the burning bull run starts?

b-but the dollar s-shitshake thoery

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We’ve pretty much already have been through the preliminary deflation phase with the Jew virus lockdowns. The next one will be a little longer, maybe 2-3 months, when the Jew pulls the plug again before elections because no one logical will be buying the voirus 2.0 propaganda. Dollar will only remain strong for a little while longer. You can bet Trumps re-election will come with a gift of free dollars for everyone! They might even put a fucking little red bow on it for you! This whole period has been bullish as fuck for metals because they have gained overall, and retained strength even through deflationary periods. Gold passed this test with flying colors, you can bet it’s gonna keep getting harder to get. So technically Schiff and Johnson are both right, just the time frame of dollar strength has always been up in the air. You just need to understand one word throughout the next year, volatility.

Tldr buy xrp

I'm glad I pulled the trigger at 3AM on my latest gold/silver purchase. Feels good man.

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Well, that's an opinion.

our children will be paying off debt with high taxes their entire lives


They know this is the top and they're never going to let it fall

Did you faggots forget to clean break memo? Looks like 2022 its happening.


>Destroy us
Why would it destroy you exactly? Did you actually put all your money in metals?


No, they'll borrow free money to pay them, using the income from all the assets (like stocks etc) they bought with free money as collateral. Infinite ponzi.

on one hand, this is extremely bullish for my magical internet money.
on the other hand, it will mean that my salary will continue being insidiously reduced to nothing over time from inflation

Only hope of survival now is to throw everything into internet funny money and build up enough wealth before the world becomes weimar-tier

So if they were Italians they wouldn't be doing this or something?

infinite ponzi that can only work if you have infinite growth, which also means importing infinity niggers and infinity pajeets and infinity pacos until every square inch of clay is packed with them

why stop there? Im sure theres other infinite sources of revenue we can find

My thoughts as well. 50% crypto, 25% metals and 25% cash. The cash is purely for paying bills and liquidity.

>getting bitch-slapped every now and then for being pure evil is oppression

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