someone just sold 73k tokens for small profit. what......? this is going 10x minimum like IDXT
Uniswap Tools (UNXT) - will it pump harder than IDXT?
Brandon Long
Gabriel Rodriguez
15 holders after a few took profit, we early biz....
Robert Smith
Get him some weed
Josiah Thompson
No FUDS. Pump to MARS 10x please
Liam Cox
we are still very early
Camden Baker
Tyler Collins
If IDXT did 16x? Uniswap Tools will do 20x minimum
Lincoln Richardson
wow less than 20 holders this is earlier than my diabetes
Christopher Barnes
true, I regret selling IDXT when I only did 2x and was from the first 50 wallets to have it, it's not going to happen again with this
Ryan Cook
Wow !