Where is the pump? We hit a turning point in the economy

and FED will keep interest rates 0% for however long it needs for a recovery

Why are shorters suppressing the pump?

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It’s time to buy you dumb nigger

Realize your gains. Dump and wait for the Second Covid wave

because people dont believe it will work. they expected much more

This. Please anons. Do not think hopeful or logical. There will be shutdowns state by state.


Market looks at 2 years without bullish news. Non change in course. QE5. Not good

Shut the fuck up and buy the DIP

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Finalized today. Out.

Fed didn't promise enough ammunition to prop up this fake market. News is only good for gold. Going up in a straight line right now. Meanwhile, dollar is crashing and stocks are flat. Doesn't look good.

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What do you think the rally last week meant. Everything is priced in. If anything, too much is priced in. If you get my meaning

>Imagine thinking there won't be any lockdowns and virus is over when the Fed thinks it will take until 2022 for everything to get back to normal

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Still months away

We aren't going to catch in the summer


Interest rates perpetually at zero is an eventuality. It's just another step the system has to go through.
What markets want is negative rates which I seriously doubt will be implemented while markets are nearing all time highs by themselves.
It's possible that they are conjuring up an event that they can point their fingers to as they implement negative rates at a counter measure.
This could translate in another leg down which will probably not be quickly over with.
S&P 500 at around 2000 points would send the whole world into panic mode and the FED could appear as the savior once more.

Any state would be committing suicide if they close the state after allowing tens of thousands of protests without issue.

This. Millions of americans were walking around with Covid and had no idea. Its everywhere now. No use in shutting down the economy again. Liberals would look like even bigger fucking retards considering they let niggers and antifa gather in huge crowds and burn down cities.


It probably won't unfold in a single day, user.



holy shit are people still buying this bullshit? Average age of a """covid""" death is 80

Yep. Bull as fuck, I just bought more calls, my entire portfolio looks like a calling station, if my predictions come true I'll probably double next week

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Could happen very quickly. The market is mostly propped up by psychology. The Robinhood traders will stampede out as quickly as they stampeded in, and only a few stop-losses can quickly trigger an avalanche.

If there is something that could be called a "second wave" then my guess is that the controllers will spin it so "the people are at fault".
It will play out as a "conflict" between different groups of a fragmented and divided populace.
The "stay at homers" vs. the "my job is my lifers" and so on.
Authority, government and the central banks have to appear as the savior of the masses this time so they can rear the common person even more as he willingly gives up more of his freedoms and liberties for a sense of security and peace.
The next time will be "the peoples fault".

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I believe that markets nowadays barely even work like that anymore.


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We forget that somebody invented the money-printer meme on Zig Forums while stocks were crashing. It was mocking the fact that the Fed kept making announcements of Q. E., but wasn't having any effect on the markets. This shows that their power over them is not omnipotent, as George Gammon points out. (youtube.com/watch?v=macsrQQeVO8.) If there if a crash, stocks will still go up in the long run, but only in the same way that they did in Zimbabwe or Venezuela.

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If they call a second wave there will be 2 groups, the I don't give a fuck group and the suck to be you group.

They just re open bars this week in my area and they're all fucking full every day.

No body gives a fuck anymore, I am driving uber an I get 3 type of clients, those who already got it recover or straight up don't give a shit, that's my group, those who haven't got it or don't know if and are walking on the street in yolo mode and the finicky scared and nervous idiots who think a fucking rag in your face is actually goin to do Jack shit up protect you that's the super minority using public transportation.

Even old people don't care anymore you don't have a choice, the virus isn't close to being as deadly as to shut down the world for, starvation is

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> where is the pump
priced in

This is very bad for banks isn't it. Should I dump my Wells Fargo?

Its not real. The test is supposedly best case scenario 70% accurate. But most cases are not even tested. If you cough or have a fever or have "weakness" you are called a covid case.