If you aren't all-in ghost, you're a retard

“It’s a brand new blockchain people. It’s like something you never fucking dreamed of, with features that you can’t imagine. This is my gift to the fucking world.”

-john macafee

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Well imagine this...
She no longer brushed her hair out of her wet eyes. I grabbed her tits, grabbed her bravely, drilled my fingers deep into the fatty tissue, let the stiff nipples slide between my fingers, only to squeeze them together again and again and pull the bulging sacks up. There were mixed feelings in her eyes, she wanted a prince who would touch her tenderly instead of the coarse fellow, who now touched her body quite brutally, but the attention she got outweighed, so that in spite of everything, a slightly satisfied smile appeared on her face. The grotesque sight was what I was after. Desperate devotion, the unconditional sacrifice for the chance of being passed through by an attractive man. Then the relieved sight when I turned her head away from me and positioned her in front of me, pushing her down on all fours. Her part was now fulfilled, joyfully awaiting the long awaited penis in her dripping pussy, which she stretched out to me. With loud clapping my hand hit her fat ass and clawed hard, the cock slipped effortlessly into the uninhabited, wet cave. The clapping of my hips against her fat body caused by my violent blows was embarrassing for her, only too well it should be audible for her neighbours, but the triumph outweighed her feelings, so she soon forgot it.

So a known con man who’s been part of dozens of pnd scams talks about pretty bells and whistles, “like nothing you’ve ever seen,” meanwhile, pajeet team has shown us absolutely zero code, nothing can be verified. Ghost phone? Silk Road marketplace? How retarded are you op? So they’re going to make a Silk Road marketplace with known dev and admin identities? Just answer me that one question, explain to me how they all won’t be arrested. Explain this and I’ll buy your stupid faggot scam. Watch, you can’t

imagine selling ESH / GHOST at a loss

all you had to do was hold lmao

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This.. Akshay lives in Kuwait
He's probably going to get the death penalty if he builds a "silkroad 2.0" They are going to throw the book at this lot and make an example of them Ross Ulbricht style..

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You left out the part where CZ said
"Nice cap"

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It’s so dumb that it will 10x.

>nice cap
>is this a sign?

BUY GHOSTx fork. More 100x as it's on GROUND FLOOR now. Let's go!


god damn the amount of shit in the streets of Zig Forums is getting way out of hand

Yup it's a sign that it's a nice hat and nothing more.

jacques cousteau could never sell this low

It doesn't matter if it makes sense. Enough retards will get hyped so it will pump

sorry, pajeet team 100% confirmed for pajeet scam. I don't even think Josh is a real person anymore... some pajeets made money off some other PnD and bought mcafee to help free their village from the india Jew. LOOK AT THAT HAND wtf!


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everytime i listened to biz, i lost money

there's literally nothing wrong with being indian.

Except for the fact that they are suffering from poverty and are in a position where they are not above scamming people in order to escape their situation.

how does someone whose never bought a crypto currency put a tiny bit on money into this? Like,it seems like a meme but I'd be willing to put $100 into this to see what happens.

buy eth, create a wallet on idex, send eth to idex, buy ghost

>how does someone whose never bought a crypto currency put a tiny bit on money into this? Like,it seems like a meme but I'd be willing to put $100 into this to see what happens.
sell at $100

nope, just another swing trade outlet

todays announcement is going to send this shit to the fucking moon

>It’s like something you never fucking dreamed of, with features that you can’t imagine. This is my gift to the fucking world

"Because you have to dream to believe it."

I'm hosting a masternode and will retire to fucking Bora Bora to fuck hookers in 6 months.

McAfee literally dragging us to lamboland

>coin isn't vaporwave bullshit
>look at that hand wtf!

It already pumped based on the binance speculation. If you missed it then you missed it. Move on.

oh you'll make my little guy, someday. you just have to believe a little harder... just a little longer... that's it. BELIEVE SON. BELIEVE WHITE BOY. Pajeetnet is coming the 22cnd! keep believing! Mcafeee needs you to believe! Josh wants this! hold on to those positive thoughts! read the secret! believe believe believe!

noghost cope

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>noghost cope
pic related. lead dev. literal pajeet in a sweaty wife beater ahahahahahaha. my sides... AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA again?

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>I'm hosting a masternode and will retire to fucking Bora Bora to fuck hookers in 6 months.

Attached: mcafee.png (2518x1024, 820.58K)

Who cares? As long as they create a working product.