So biz help me turn $225 into 10000 before fall is over using all of my savings to pay for rent cause out of work shill me everything I'll go all in on one
What's the 100x Longshot
Other urls found in this thread:
I smell broke
You'll lose it all. Trust me.
What biz can actually do is to help you to turn those $225 into $223.16 before fall
STA will probably 10-20x by september
COAS, in Uniswap, 10x by tomorrow.
I'll look into them thanks
anything like STA, hex, h3x, hex 5.0, ghost, flm etc that you see spammed everywhere is not going to give you to 50x you seek.
smart money is in the tokens that haven't been skilled to oblivion yet.
pic related
> 1 month old
LINK was the 100x longshot 3 years ago, and it's still the 100x longshot today. You don't want to hear it, but it's true.
So you're one of the scammers. I see you just created this token like 30 minutes ago.
You should be banned permanently here from /biz
Wasted digits
Buy the stock market dip
Checked & absolutely based
Started with $250. Up to $1500 on this and still going strong.
Thanks, very professional look, also did some research. I'm in. Finally something valuable the past 2 weeks!
so you expect another 50x on top of the 5x you just got... get real, why even both shilling this? this guy's $250 isn't going to pump your bags.
better of finding something that hasn't pumped yet and doesn't have a coordinated shill campaign behind it
word to the wise: this is a longterm hold. Era 1 ends next January. Thats when the real price action is going to start. I'm going to throw like $20 a week into it until then
and those $2.14 will be transactions costs / fees
Compounding my nigger. Get your ass on ftx.
2% per day leaves you at 9000 dollars in 180 days. 3% at 50k+
Use someone's ref code for fee discounts. My code will give you only 5% discount but if you look up in Google you can get codes with 10% discount
Just remember 2 things
Never get greedy. Know your daily target
2. Have patience
Just hold and don't compare yourself to other people.
I might be dumb and gullible but if anything is giving interest pay PER DAY it's either illegal or a scam
No you're just dumb . It's not interest. I'm telling you to margin swing
dangerously based and clarity of thought-pilled.
INSTAR is probably the only realistic way
0xMonero is fairly mineable with no pre-mine. There is no dev wallet or centralized supply to dump on you. Miners won't dump on you either because they won't sell lower than their mining cost.
The project is about one month old, has a low marketcap and is showing results. They recently implemented zk-SNARKs and are building a mixer. They also got added to Torus, Lumi, and Portis wallets. They have a couple of exchange listings coming during the next week so this is a good time to get in before others hear about it.