Will the value of pussy ever dump? The pump it has had since the 50s is unbelievable

Will the value of pussy ever dump? The pump it has had since the 50s is unbelievable

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all women are whores
women should not be allowed to vote
most women are mindfucked garbage
most women are addicted to social media
most women only fuck chad
most women are eternally miserable and want to take their man down with them.
most women work brainless jobs that will be automated
women are incapable of independent thought
modern women dont know how to cook
most women are boring and not worth the investment
women are incapable of loving anything but themselves

biggest scam in human history

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Based. Nothing but truth here lads.

Find what's cringe in you, then you will be free from your desperation

yes but that's a man

mods you're a bunch of trannies faggots if you think you're going to suppress this, that it's related to business and does not violate any rules.

This is what we want to talk about. This is business related. This is what's called having fun on this board and having meaningful conversations. Something you autistic selves don't understand.

Nah man. Women are great, just look at them they're fucking amazing.

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no. the internet made it even easier for women to get what they want.

tell us that after living with that cunt for a few months. Guarantee you change your mind

The value will only go up as the makeup and surgical industry evolves.

I think the value of pussy will start to go down as Traps start becoming more main stream. Fembois are better at being women than women are. Traps give far better blow jobs and complain less. Once Traps are everywhere who is going to want a wahmen?

Oh yeah, already happening. I notice women staring at me all kinds of different now that the world has begun to fall apart. Women are hardwired to require security and safety, before this money could get them that, now it’s a sturdy man who has his shit together.
Replace games with weights and outdoor activity and women magically appear.

Pussy won't be dumping for easily a few more decades/centuries. Fundamentals unfortunately mean that it's not going anywhere anytime soon.
That is until the Brave New World-esque incubation chambers are invented and women are purged and reduced to a few select queen bees.

imo Ass is a pretty safe bet too.

I'd imagine she would would be questioning her life choices too after a month of living with you.
Women and men mostly all suck. Women are just better to look at.

Same with any job. I pay with my time and attention and an exclusively agreement, in return I get warm breasts to hold every night and my cock milked every few days.

that's a man

Men can think critically and support a family. Women cant think on their own, they are supremely insecure and spiteful, and they need the state to take care of them in the absence of a man

based and enlightened
hating women says a lot about a man

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>hating women says a lot about a man
I see you have never been married to one.

Quite the redpiller here. It's biology man. Of course they need to taken care of. Weak men let the state grow too big and women lost respect for them and cucked them as punishment.

>Thinks women did anything on their own
Who do you think created the system? Men did. Women don't create shit.

Thank you sir. Low T, weak men can't see past their resentment.

Yes. Men with their big brainz created a state that replaced them and cucked them for life.

Women are gay, end of discussion

Rich men created the system for their own personal gain. Rich corrupt men cucked the rest of men.

The only value it has is the value you give it. If you stop valuing it so highly, it won't be valued so highly.

yes, and I dont plan on it either. Its completely unnecessary. and it sounds like you married the wrong person lmao

its not about the low T, its about not losing your virginity before the age of 20 and thus having no chance going forward of ever organically doing it. Common default defense mechanism is sour grapes

Yes The rich men cucked the rest of them because they could and instead of banding together and fighting back, these men scattered to misogynistic forums redpilling each other into oblivion.

What do you mean? The price of pussy right now is posting a black lives matter hashtag and stringing together a somewhat coherent sentence on what you are doing to help George fentanyl Floyd

Fuck I forgot if this is a man or not.

asian women have only just begun price discovery phase, white women are completely overbought

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Yes. Social order is inherently feminine. When shit really hits the fan, like post apocalypse, that's when standards of living for men are at an all time high. Can probably take a 10/10 ass and finish in her pussy for half a can of beans.

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First part is true, but white women are not going away any time soon.

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t. white woman