/smg/ - Stock Market General

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buy Dean's


>Stock market Words

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>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings

>Links for crabs


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AM I!?

>inb4 red fourth day in a row

That sexy AH spike

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These are all shill stocks and if you buy them now you are going to face financial ruin


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Xth for IVR is the new TSLA :^)


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how to short anime??

>up 50%
>no trailing stop at +40% or something
all i know is you are retarded and you deserve to lose all your gains until you learn this lesson for semi-guaranteeing your gains

Why are there so many people that are buttmad about SSL and IVR? Are you shorting? Are you so retarded that you actually think the Fed pumping billions every day into mortgage backed securities isn't going to pump companies like IVR?

If you're buying oil/airlines/real estate and expect a short term profit you are capital R retarded

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I'm trying to figure this one out myself

hey look the IVR spaz is here

wtf is his problem?

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Holding while buying the dippy. Entire market is once again copying each other's homework. Don't care. Pump was fake and gay, so is dip.Skittish bull forever provided all the dippys I want.

Remain Calm.

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What should I fap to?

The jews shook you out of your cheap SSL's
Now they are buying it after hours after you panic sold

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He cares too much.

It shot down like fucking 20% AH and I was really confident that we would have a nice bounce back today at the latest with the oil news. But you're right I should have pulled earlier without a doubt that was foolish of me

i hope this happens to my OVV pick..

thoughts on CGC for a chance heavy swing up and adding to the dips for various airlines.
I mean one of the airlines might just end up becoming a monopoly which would be great for profits yes? Also could the same be applied to cruiselines they arent as essential to people but I cant imagine people abandoning them entirely? Thoughts?

SSL: Price Target $22

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depends, what are you in the mood for?

peee peeee
pooo poooooooooooo

>accidentally bought NKLA puts instead of calls

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>the 1 week chart for IVR isn't on a consistent upward trend despite the balls out retard moves from this weekend
hurrrrrrrr durrrrrr

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Is SPY fucked bros?

Why don't we make a legit guide for oil/airline investments that we can just link to in the OP or post at the top of the thread so faggots can stop asking for what stocks to buying and getting shilled scams like IVR
Sort of like the anime recommendation pics, pic related

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When do you think will be a good time to buy Nikola?

I've got 19 call contracts and if this shit doesn't go to atleast 12 I'll be very upset but I'm a retard who will still probably fall for the garbage being shilled here

2 reddit images in a row

I, as one of those simple faggots, would greatly appreciate that. I didnt fall for the IVR meme just the KOS meme



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people who don't do research and fall for shills in this thread deserve to lose money until they quit or learn their lesson

Kek, DAL says Q2 will be bad, posts numbers. Ok. But also as year rolls along air travel will pickup. Add to that they have a fat cash cushion. So what they're saying is "yes Q2 will be bad but we're confident that Q3 & 4 will be better". What does that mean for you? Higher profits and a higher stock price. Hold for a year or more and all this will be a bad dream. Look at the 6 month chart.. 58 is doable. I'm not selling. It's 58 or nothing baby. I've got time. 2.5 yrs till I turn 40.. Still got a wad in the bank in case "shit happens" so I'm covered.

>to buying and getting shilled scams like IVR
Woah, my brain went nuts there
to buy instead of getting shilled scams like IVR*

When they don't actually comment on the content u know they're rustled

>faggots can stop asking for what stocks to buying and getting shilled scams like IVR
due to the breadth, it would be tough. Dumbasses will just ask anyway or claim to have read the list.

ONTX. No RS and phase 3 data coming earlier than anticipated. Shits gonna run hard tomorrow.

Lots of weak hands shaken out over the last couple of days. I predict one to three days of red and/or crabbing before we start to head up slowly again to re-test Monday highs.

why the fuck did I go full retard and buy a BA call today

I had a limit order to buy skyw at 37.50 that I forgot to cancel. Should I keep it or sell

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If you can't actually justify your IVR h8 then you're either shorting it or literally don't know what the fuck you're talking about

What's something that's as good as Death Note? watched that with my wife and we both loved it. Tried some other anime and it sucked. Is it in a league of its own or is there anything similar.

what if stonks only go DOWN?

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>Day’s without Jewish tricks: 0
Ahhhh you fagots almost got me to sell.
Fuck your couch.

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I feel like this is the top. SPY is crabbing. All the easy gains in meme stocks have been exhausted. There's nothing left to do.

Code geass fag

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>tfw been holding been since $136
I wish I had the money to buy back when it was $90.
Oh well.

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Be careful with ONTX. I've gotten burned with them before. Lost 2000 on them. (I made it back though). The rug pull could happen anytime.

what was the biggest takeway from today's JPowell speech, that he's not a racist? that the Fed has tools to support recovery, especially for blacks and women? i don't get why they just keep repeating the same shit about "tools". yes we know you have tools. they work to pump the stock market and that's about it.