Does this stand a chance against Ethereum? Or is this a peer reviewed acedemic meme fest?

Does this stand a chance against Ethereum? Or is this a peer reviewed acedemic meme fest?

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imagine something which gets developed and developed and developed and in the end no one uses it. yes, eth is shit currently but projects are building on it. cant name one thing on ada, so there is your answer

>Does this stand a chance against Ethereum?
yes absolutely. the peer review process actually sped up Cardano's development - basically incentivizing the best and brightest minds in cryptography to try and break ouroboros. The Ouroboros Paper has been cited over 800 times. This is why Cardano is delivering proof of stake before Ethereum, despite eth having years of head start. And Gougen is going to curb-stomp ETH

>cant name one thing on ada
imagine being this desperate to COPE. smart contracts are not live yet so by definition there is nothing on the live network.

It depends how long ETH 2.0 is pushed back. That said, if Cardano doesn’t get some major DeFi projects soon then even a delay for ETH won’t matter.

but will developers that have put years into developing eth just drop everything and go to ADA?

even worse lol, how long is this shit around? who would build on it, whats the incentive? why would they leave eth for anything else..just cause it scales? no one cares about that. buy ckb

irl theres people I know that have lots of ADA but its such a shitty circle jerk....its a worse cult that LINK or XRP by far....thats why despite me reading and liking the project I wont buy......its the self glorifying, rehashing same concepts (muh sand box, muh peer reviewed, muh academia) bullshit I hate

guarantee $1 end of 2030. Screencap this.

told you faggots this scam would dump.. all their papers and research means shit if they can't even get mainnet up w/smart contracts... which they haven't in THREE YEARS

>Does this stand a chance against my grandpa's Chevy?

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main net is supposed to be up soon, i dont hold any ada. I came here for the mcdonalds memes and bought chainlink (make it stack). Then I went balls deep into statera at .003 cents.

but not everyone wants a cyber truck.....I like how ethereum is a community project kinda like 2b2t on minecraft. Cardano is like that one map one autists makes that never puts the map into adventure mode and spergs out and never lets anyone play on his map but makes elaborate buildings.

cardano is more secure, faster, cheaper, more decentralized. eth devs need not apply. functional programmers who are among the most talented and experienced god-tier programmers will find cardano as the gateway for them to enter the crypto world. the types of experiences that they will bring to the cryptosphere (enabled by plutus) will make eth look like a toy. the man who created Haskell is creating the plutus language. other non-programmers who are domain experts in finance will be able to create secure smart contracts using a drag and drop programming interface - no programming needed... and still no eth dev migration required for any of this. also, plutus and the finance domain specific language interface created both the blockchain and server side code for you, all in one place. you guys are writing a try-hard fud narrative. cope more

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thats what is said but theres 3 more eras after this to make cardano independent of iohk control....its still very centralized.

makes more sense than buying a TOP 10 project that is so inflated it can't go up even IF they ever release a real network.

>trust me

>main net is supposed to be up soon
yes, and prograss is tracking this timeline (pic related). launch partners will be discussed at the upcoming virtual (due to coronachan) summit, as well as the rolling in of smart contracts (Gougen).

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after shelly rollout cardano is FAR more decentralized than ETH ir BTC or just about anything of note. 1000+ stake pools. Gougen is this year and governance is this year.

trust what user? be specific


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The phrase "peer reviewed" is basically a meme. Like, every open-source/community-developed project is peer-reviewed by default, in that all the peers working on it are reviewing it.

there's a big difference between the cryptographers and mathematicians who built the cryptography that the world's financial and computing infrastructure is wholly dependent on (the peer review Cardano refers to) and the pizza-sauce-encrusted code warriors
>hey they looked at my code and found a bug
(((it's my peer -peer review))) that seething and cope addled eth devs pretend is peer review. the latter aren't even capable of reading and understanding the ouroboros papers ffs

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>but will developers that have put years into developing eth just drop everything and go to ADA?
based retard, we don't care about ETH developers, we care about developers out of the crypto space, i.e. 99.9999% of good developers

>State channels are an attractive layer-two solution for improving the throughput and latency of blockchains. They offer optimistic fast offchain settlement of payments and rapid offchain evolution of smart contracts between multiple parties without imposing any additional assumptions beyond those of the underlying blockchain. In the case of disputes, or if a party fails to respond, cryptographic evidence collected in the offchain channel is used to settle the last confirmed state onchain, such that in-progress contracts can be continued under mainchain consensus. A serious disadvantage present in current layer-two state channel protocols is that existing layer-one smart contract infrastructure and contract code cannot be reused offchain without change.
>In this paper, we introduce Hydra, an isomorphic multi-party state channel. Hydra simplifies offchain protocol and contract development by directly adopting the layer-one smart contract system. We present the onchain contracts to open and close Hydra heads (our isomorphic state channels) and a novel offchain protocol for fast evolution of heads. We establish strong security properties for the protocol, and we present and evaluate extensive simulation results that demonstrate that Hydra approaches the physical limits of the network in terms of transaction confirmation time and throughput while keeping storage requirements at the lowest possible.

What makes Cardano able to scale? Is it still blockchain based tech? Seems like that it is an eventuality that it will run into issues with the ledger being too large, especially if it is handling more than simple transactions.

>cardano is more secure, faster, cheaper, more decentralized

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A lil' bit hard to wrap your hand around at first but you'll see how amazing this project is. We're about to enter the Shelley mainnet

Nothing.. it's all theory. It's also not a sharded chain like Harmony. People are just drinking whitepaper koolaid. If this ever launches there is no reason to think it will scale better than any other single shard blockchain with a Gen 1 legacy data storage architecture.

the post above yours is the answer, on conjunction with recursive snarks... whicj they are researching as well. there isbtime before those are needed

>more secure
formally verifed code and mathematically proven secure protocol vs eth 2 (this is what we like)
shelly at about 150-250 tps vs bitcoin or eth... this is simple math. hydra scales way the fuck beyond what is possible woth eth 2's ledger based sharding.
lowet txn fees
>more decentralized
1000+ stake pools ve btc and eth, there is no conpetition. it isn't even close

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Hydra = Sharding?

I have to admit, I like the names and concepts, as well as peer reviewed papers. The reference to hermetic and ancient concepts is appealing to people of my taste. It signifies a level of alchemy, to relate abstract concepts with tangible ones.

What is a good buy target? I may consider moving some of my stack in at a decent level. Guess I should act soon though. Pic related.

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