Who's ready for $1?

Who's ready for $1?

Attached: Aave_.png (1600x816, 112.58K)

Is LEND on Uniswap?

Yeah boi

1$ is fud

Attached: Screenshot_2020-06-10-00-17-07-178_com.brave.browser.jpg (988x1160, 156.97K)

Just fomoed in at 9.5 cents. Just fuck my shit up.

You think it can go higher?

aave wasnt low key for the people the knew but this is too soon, Im still accumlating, stop pumping my bags you fucking niggers

what a beautiful chart. I hope 200K is enough to make it

Sorry bruh but this could be my ticket out of the hood.

glad i got 65k before the nogs started pupmping but man it just doesnt feel like enough. im ngmi.

if anyone can explain the tokenomics in simple terms, ill pump those bags

Shit will drop.
going up way too fast considering it only burns like $10000 worth.
If not, well fuck it anyway, I got out with profits and that's all I really care about.

>ask for a waitress.
>shes hot.
>pay her $300 on tip say to come to the back when work's over.
>she comes outside.
>you pick her up.
>go to a cheap motel.
>rip off her yoga pants.
>theres a DICK.
>shes still hot.
>you start jacking each other off.
>really getting into it.
>you start dating.
>shes pretty much a girl with a cock.
>you aren't gay for liking it.
>you've just fallen into a trap.
>and are stuck there for life.
>but it's a nice trap.
>you get married.
>it's not counted as a gay marriage.
>even the priest was fooled.
>you fuck her sister, the child might as well be his biological son.
>you raise a family.
>they grow up.
>fall into the same trap as you.
>but 1 generation down.
>They know your story.
>they aren't even surprised.
buy ullu

pump 'em

4k link
12k aave

feels bad man

20k lin
100k Aave

Feels good man

>Last but not least, they will be updating their token economics from a token burn model to a fee accrual model (something we’ve extensively covered in the past as an option other protocols should consider). While the exact details aren’t out yet, their token (LEND) will be used for staking. Stakers will earn issuance rewards and fees in return for backstopping the risk of the protocol losing funds.

delete. for real.

love acap

what the fuck are you still doing in link. We all made our 20x and on to actual 20x projects. Imagine thinking a price feed is going to 20x let alone 10x from here like rocket pool, aave, etc.

Welcome to the party
>he isn't contributing to the pool

$2 in 2021.

im feeling generous tonight, so for the newfags who read this and feel any kind of nervousness whatsoever

>selling LINK before staking
just read the line above, if you still don't get why this is quite possibly the single most important piece of LINK going up in value, then you should sell, you dont deserve it.

When you get liquidated on AAVE, you just whtever percentage of your collateral needed to repay the loan, not all your collateral, correct?

I've been holding 28k lend since before the crash in winter 2017. How retarded am I?

Attached: the-confederate-elbow-drop.png (1200x675, 1.12M)



still thinking link staking is coming..kek

late 2020 desu


saw that too. $1 is PURE FUD.

Holy fuck