/smg/ - Stock Market General

The new market is bought by the Fed edition


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2nd leg down has begun

get fucked bulls

you guys thought things were crazy today? wait until you see what tomorrow does to our new bear friends

I need tomorrow and Friday to be bigly green so I can get out of holding these Jun 19th call bags.
Alternatively, I'll sell them all and roll them out to July calls.


I'll be taking that, SPY 200 here we go.

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>sell the top
>buy the dip
a toast to swingchads!

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When picking a long hold, the only thing that matters is what AH does with it. If you watch it for a week and AH is averaging it up, it is 100% safe to go in no matter what idiot retail is doing.

Change my mind.


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idiot retail here what is AH?

I'm all in on IVR tell me why you're butthurt about my long play on real estate after Big Daddy JP pledged to keep printing the assetbux

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IVR ain't shit

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The market goes down 2%, bears think its a bear market lel.

First for reminder that niggers ruin everything they come in contact with in any shape or form

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After hours
After market and pre market
If you buy at close and sell at open every single day, you beat doing the opposite 7:1.

How'd you do today, kings?

Attached: 10jun2020.png (1866x461, 80.24K)

I think most of the people here are in the same boat as you, wish I would've sold on monday, knew I should've sold on tuesday, and I should have just sold everything today to lock in gains

Pls show portfolio

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I've swung OGI twice in the past few weeks for a total of $1900 in gains using $3000 to buy in. Looking for the next dip like a crack fiend.

Down 1.67%
I miss the high volitility swinging. This is so boring I don't even have anythung I want to buy on this dip

Answer the phone user

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Your meme tech stocks are down 2%. Everything else is down 10%+

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based swingchad, i sold my oil stonks at the near top and ill be closely watching the markets tomorrow and on friday to buy the cheapies

What's your strategy and positions? Is it possible to achieve this with a middle class job?

>50 put contracts
Based bobro

>new generation of investors say "Buffett has LOST it! We know better"
>get dumpstered
Literally on his deathbed he'd still be dunking on newbloods.
He's been sliding to tech but he has admitted as suck for ages with "dude, just buy SPY"

Yeah, on Tuesday I had plenty of time where I was only 5% down. I should have fucking sold EVERYTHING until after JPOW's presser, and even then just played SPY/VXX and tech.

How does the saying go? Whenever people start to question buffet it's the top of the market cycle.

My tech stocks are up

Wait what happened today I thought JPow saved the market and the economy with his super printer

Normally, anything better than the market (10-15%) is really good. People's views are so fucked right now they think in terms of how many multiples they will make in a year, 2x, 3x, or recently in a few months or weeks. That is a sign we are in a bubble. Normally 20% a year is incredible. And a lot of times just not losing money is great if the market was down.

he sold billions worth of put contracts on all indexes
same as buying SPY, but he got paid cash to invest

He bought 20K of TQQQ in 2011

Attached: TechQQQ.png (685x579, 48.86K)

And the indexes were down a percent and a bit

boomer tier gain died with rona

DIX/GEX user! I saw the thing! This is... something!

I'd say majority of my sells occur about 1/3 of the way in to a correction phase, rebuy the rally in to continuation around about the same price I sold, bearish reversal never occurred. This is acceptable to me as it gets me out pretty early if bearish reversal does indeed form.

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In the 90s it was dotcomers
In the Naughts it was mutual fund managers
In the 10s it was hedge fund managers
Now barely six months into 20s he can add robinhood users to the pile

Last time we saw tech stocks melt up like this the sp500 rose 10% in a month. Buy the dip.

But there actually are (should be) more potential for gains in these particular circumstances because of things trying to spring back to where they were in January

if you bought cheap shit in february/march, does this down turn really matter? in general you should still be green on most of your investments if youre holding them long-term

All centralized financial sectors and gov are pushing for Universal Basic Income while few projects from crypto ecosystems like VID.camera are standing strong by Value Income side! That's what pushing sentiments quite bullish.

That was when we had space to climb. I think the flight out of small and mid caps is the more worrying. I was hoping that the market would shift to putting more into anything except megacaps but that reversed itself in a heartbeat today.

Moshi Moshi?

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>sold the top
>shorted the bottom

donnie pump wasn't POTUS back then
this is the end of times the end of kali yuga the new age of aquarius the new heaven and the new earth, this market boom is NESARA

>when we had space to climb
There's plenty of space up

A lot of the positions people had are plays not long term holds. I try to invest in the future, innovation