Has biz agreed on what is a suicide stack and what is a make is stack?
Suicide stack = 10,000
Make it stack= 50,000
Everyone who agrees say "I"
Has biz agreed on what is a suicide stack and what is a make is stack?
Suicide stack = 10,000
Make it stack= 50,000
Everyone who agrees say "I"
What price are we expecting for this?
$1+ easy imo
yo did i just get fucked completely.... be me
fuck around with the uniswap address. by searching dgm on etherscan and the most obvious one popping up. i then go to the dmm official website and click where it says " see the smart contract" and it links me to an etherscan that is of a different address with transactions from more like 77 days ago and shit
Nice copy paste scam
make it stack should be 10x a suicide stack
Are you referring to this contract? What about it?
Suicide stack 5,000
Make it stake 50,000
i dunno, will people even want this shit?
will be +$1 by public sale. this is going to get fomo'd hard
Yes. Check out the docs on the presale purchase page. It breaks down the project, the roadmap, revenue avenues which token holders benefit from. They already have a working product that's producing great revenue. Not many projects could say that. Usually project raise money (ICO) then start working on the product. Look into the team especially Greg, you'll be surprised what he's accomplished.
The project already has over $8.5million in assets and they are only currently working with automobiles. They plan to add other assets down the line... aviation l, commercial and residential real estate, construction, shipping (Zachary mentioned in their discord). That $8.5miilion in assets is definitely going to grow, which will only bring in more revenue.
token not needed
DMG is just another DXD in the making, gonna dump to oblivion because no liquidity
imagine you're buysing some chinks DAO again instead of REL backed by coinbase
It's a governance token that highly benefits from all the revenue streams the DMMDAO generates.
The value of this token is going to be insane. Hedge fund.
which page? didn't get in the presale.
resisting fomo on uniswap cause i know they're probaly 2x presale prices
DXdao token holder here. I like what they are doing but it's still a work in progress. Projects need to be built and revenue needs to be made for DXDao holders to benefit.
The DMMDAA already has a great working product which can expand tremendously. It's not stuck on a blockchain. it's bringing real worlds assets to the blockchain and Chainlink will play a major role in it
This one.
They have a Google doc that explains everything about the project (white paper you could say). It's a good read.
Try to not get too excited while reading this.
thanks. it seems kind of sparse desu
DMG (Governance Token) 0xEd91879919B71bB6905f23af0A68d231EcF87b14
Besides construction and shipping, the rest sound like shit investments, desu.
85% of the pre-sale has been sold. Wow
will be the next Zig Forums fomo coin. Get in before everyone else.
I haven't felt FOMO like this since the Kleros token sale.
kleros is aight
Word is spreading, too the moon we go gents!
3. If an individual or a group owns a block of DMG and reserves Principal or Affiliate membership to introduce assets into the DMME they will also generate asset introduction or origination fees.
>Should biz pool their tokens together to reserve Principal or Affiliate membership?
I have 150K and my fucking Coinbase Pro deposit of $25K isn't going to arrive before 30 cents and I am REEEELING.
Suicide stack = 10,000
Make it stack= 50,000
I guess. FUCK.
Dude you're already made. How did you have $50k sitting around ready for a glownigger ICO?
Post in their telegram and ask for a passcode, the admins might send you it according to others
I have over $100k but it's not all liquid and reeeee. coulda crossed 400K DMG but FUCK FIAT.