Short America. Blacks are leaving.
Short America. Blacks are leaving
nice to have a country to go home to
>Short America
Nigga you mean start the Golden Bull Run
they would probably not get as much free stuff
guessing literally zero are gonna take that offer
not to mention I'm pretty sure other africans aren't fans of other africans like some asians dont like other asian groups
I fucking wish.
Trump should make this one of his top policies for 2020 imagine the white voter turnout 98%
Please Jesus let these niggers be dumb enough to leave America
How do I invest in this?
Buy some niggers.
That would be the best thing in the world
ten bucks says the Democrats will pass a law that says they can still vote...and their kids too.
Wouldn't this solve all their problems? No White cops anywhere, no White oppressors, no systemic raycism. Just give them $20k each to leave.
American crime rates drop by half.
It's my u understanding that Africans hate American blacks and see them as spoiled rotten
Look up Marcus Garvey. He was a black man who worked with the kkk to take black people back to Africa. The day the ship was leaving the US kidnapped and exiled him to Jamaica
Homicide would drop 100% alone
That shit will never happened. rappers even tried this before. no one left because they all know america is better than any parts of africa.
>come here brother, let’s be poor together.
Why would white people all stop existing?
Niggers commit half of all homicides in the USA.
I didn't say homicide would disappear, I said it would decrease by 100% since
I think we'll toss you on the boat to Africa, too.
Yeah, I deserve it
Just long dicked america 14 million thanks user
If they commit half it would go down 50%. If they all came back it would jump up 100%
Yeah, you're right. I'm tired and wasn't thinking
If blacks left it would be a literal economic miracle never the likes before seen
Reverse wakanda
They killed Lincoln and Malcolm X for this idea. At least Lincoln managed to get a few away to Liberia, where they promptly conquered and enslaved the native Africans because they were notably more educated and strong and intelligent. They could live like actual kangs in Africa, but I guess niggerhood in America is still better.
this would be such a huge boost of confidence in america.
even the dumbest american black could probably go over there and become a captain of industry