BATthread! BATbros post BATmemes! Praise Eich!

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10k whale here ama

quarter coin

dump bat buy REL

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Tell your mom you need more allowance.

Bots got them for free

Whats it like to have so much bat? Do bitches love it?

p-please.. just get to one measly dollar

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Need 9k more BAT until it hit 500K. Almost there.

We gonna make it, BATbros?

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End of year $1.20 or more. Things are finally starting to happen. Being a stable coin at this time isn’t bad.

In three years or so yes.

thats why BAT is gonna remain a stablecoin, fren

I love jennie so much anons

Chart looks primed for an extremely huge breakout. I don't think you can find a single asset in history that has gone sideways like BAT while fundamental metrics keep growing.

I feel the same, in some weird way of simply “knowing”, but it seems to be articulations suppressed. It’d a good place to put a portion of your investment when you’re done gambling on meme coins at the very least.


haahahhahahahahahah 2 mil checking in.

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Where my BATbros?

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Ethereum had a similar chart back in 2015-2016 and people were gambling on memecoins like dash. They missed a monster run by gambling on memes. BAT is one of those tokens that is ignored until it breaks out and people start looking for an entry and cant find one.

maximum kek at that fucking picture

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Is 10k a lot now?

You know you want it.

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>link hijacking

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Shit like this doesnt make me want to invest.

It's the same with minds