first hand I play in like 6 months I went to the casino, playing 1/2 buy in for 200, first fucking hand I flop a set and improve to a full house but the other guy has a better full house. This shit is dumb learn a skill
Don't try and play poker professionally
If i go im max betting on the slots fuck that wheel n deal jabroni shit
It was a normal game of 1/2 no limit with a dealer no computer
Git gud you fucking scrub nigger
>He thought he could make money in a casino
Tell me what you would do then
I get dealt pocket 9's in middle position, bb straddles and makes it 5, I call person to my right calls, we go four way to the flop k j 9, lb makes it 25, call, i make it 50, guy to my left folds, turn comes a k, lb makes it 50, person to my right calls, i go all in, they call, dude had K 9 off suit
Fuck this game
Better than day trading.
in poker you can have an edge but the whole reason I haven't played in forever is because I've been building skills in things that can add value to other people and just felt like playing tonight as exercise in observing how others play but this is ridiculous
If you flop the set you shove everybody off dude, you don't sit there letting other people draw for free
>Better than day trading.
Not true. If you're smart you can actually make money day trading.