How you holding up, Zig Forums

how you holding up, Zig Forums

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Really damn badly.

holding nicely

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Slowly moving to cash this week. Feels good to sleep well. A little time out from the 10k grind if you will.

Holding BUIDL and I doubled up on stocks so Im not to bad but could be a lot better.

Im alive, not obese, 22, have all my limbs, live in a decent state in america to an upper middle class upbringing in literally the best time to be alive ever but feel like shit. I tried reaching out to my ex a couple days ago for emotional support, for context she was my first gf and we were together 3 years and were engaged and she broke up with me on my birthday like 8 months ago. Dad's got cancer, dog died, my little old 3 legged pug that Ive had since elementary school is dying, my grandparents are sick and in atlanta, cousin is in prison for 7 years, uncle died recently, probably cant join the airforce cause depression and add history, still technicaly a sophomore in university cause I dropped out in 2018 to trade shitcoins cause I made a bunch from 2017, but then lost like 50k being over leveraged on shorts which was all my money in march 2018. She just says welcome to the real world and that if I cant handle it I should kill myself after I tell her that shit. Made me care about her less but fuck man this hurts


Doin bretty well, surprisingly

Currently holding ~$45,000 in PMs; $3,000 in cash from stocks; and getting some good government gibs since my line of work is gonna be one of the last to reopen.

Comfortably waiting for that sweet sweet crash

getting into gold miners and buying more linkies, otherwise mostly sucks though. pour me an old fashioned will ya?

why's he locked up?
sit tight user, just going through the motions of life. Get some LOKI if you wanna make it in the next cycle.

doing ight

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Very well

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Started margin trading with 10-11 cents currently at 17-18 cents. Daily Target is 20% until I reach $3000. I have a point to prove to anxious newfags

Scotch neat and a pint of ale.

he was doing some fucked up shit ngl but he got this amount of time because he had a prior for fighting with us brother. Got caught this time breaking and entering. Really fucking dumb stuff but I know he's been going through some stuff the past couple years, their dad, my other uncle, died a few years back around christmas and they were raised super christian so it mustve gotten to them. Why LOKI? I dont really gamble on shitcoins my main focus has been developing infosec skills so I can get a decent job and stack monero but I havent really done a lot last few months

I currently have 7.3k link right now and trying to buy more. I work at amazon and actually am looking into management. A apart of me is grateful for my stack but another part is telling me It won’t be enough. I won’t stop buying until $10 and even then I might still buy. Currently 30% of my paycheck goes into link and I’m struggling with my porn addiction. I’m going to push through though. I have to do what I must to secure a brighter tomorrow.

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$5000 I mean I think . Whatever

meant for but why you saying mexico

Pretty shitty to be honest. The last 2 weeks I've been randomly lashing out and becoming aggressive over really small things. This isn't me at all, I'm typically a pretty laid back guy.

I think the world has gone crazy the last few weeks and its been alot to carry. What makes it worse is to see the masses agreeing with the violence.

Then I see dumb money becoming rich off stocks getting gains id kill for after trading for the last 4 years. Bitcoin has been boring as fuck so there's nothing to distract me from everything.

I'm slowly cracking.. my girlfriends noticing it and im even noticing it myself. I hope everyone else is doing well and making good money, I really do love this board you've given me gems and laughs over the years. Stay safe everyone.

Same brah, I'm a DCO there

Currently holding onto a magical unicorn that’s going to lead me to a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

I didn't get my inheritance until after the link dump and now it's crabbing and I'm stuck with my measly suicide stack when I could've bought 5 make it stacks

Life sucks but objectively my life is slowly improving. Just need to get some more it certs, hunt for a better job, and continue to try to improve.

Just take out loans and finish college. You have credits you already paid for and there are girls there so you don't simp to a shitbag that unironically tells vulnerable people to kys. Then you have a degree to keep you off the streets if your savings dry up.

I wan't a robo GF and I',m loosing hope I'll ever have one.

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currently in fluid load and the management likes me for my work ethic. heard management was decent and i just started doing voice overs for virtual housing tours for real estate agents on the side as well. just got to keep on top of things.

>not ready for the next bull run this weekend

Ngmi, ill send you a post card from the exotic Asian islands where I'll be fucking virginal girls this summer

I just went balls deep in my asian gf and dropped a huge load in her. She is angry lol. Felt so good I refused to pullout :)

Good luck user

if I cant join the military I guess I might do that but still I feel like I need to outdo my dad because he never graduated but still built a multi million dollar microphone business

Sauce me please