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Have you seen the futures? edition


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>he isn't loading up on SQQQ

Anyone buying AMPY right now while it's balls cheap? Hoping to hold it long with some other energy companies and see a 2x or 3x this year

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there's nothing wrong with dividend stocks

i have been telling you guys for like 6 months to buy and sell this shit.

This shits gonna print so hard tomorrow

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I'm going to lose a bigger % than you. Just sack up and take it like a man.

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It's the only cope I have left.


they all employ niggers in one way or another. there are things wrong with all companies... there's not a single perfect company.

the last 3 months touching SQQQ was pants on head retarded. Nasdaq is at its height while the rest of the market crabs. A correction is nigh

publicly traded company... there are private companies that are perfect at what their goals are for their business and customers.

Oh nice this tripshit is drunk, big league miss me with this thread rn

Starting to think I should've sold when zoomers started calling Boomer San a fag on twitter for missing the bottom. Guess I'll have to hold till 2022 now and maybe accumulate some cheapies on the way down...

that's not true, you had opportunities.. not many but there was a good chance back in mid march to grab ahold.

i might have had a dozen beers, but im not that drunk... look at you, you're on the trade with me shorrting nasdaq.

What are the legit oil stocks to be watching? Dont just say KOS

You lost money shorting nasdaq during the money printer. Im shorting nasdaq at the bubble pop. Dont think we are the same, I was a bear from march 22 til june 9th

look below. they are good stocks to keep your eye on. i'm not claiming you should buy them.

*was a bull

sqqq is pretty heckin' hard to make gains from because it tanks every single time amzn or aapl are up 0.5% or more. you would need to time your trade perfectly on the rare days that those two fuckers are down a little bit.

The ones that aren't going to go bankrupt.

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Time to do a civic duty
Suppose 2x i.e. $2 - $4
October 19th, 2020 2.5c for 0.5
Total cost of call: $50
Underlying costs of 100 shares of Ampy now: $200
Total capital cost of call/buying underlying: 25%

Price point to be in the money with call: 2.5
Maximum loss of buying underlying: unknown
Capital holdup on October 19th: unknown
Maximum loss of call: $50
Capital holdup on October 19th: None

bought too high on a lot of these but oh well...what should I do going forward? sit on all this?

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Is WFC done for? No interest for two years is no bueno right?

Threw a large chunk at tvix today. Have a good feeling about tomorrow.

Don't catch the knife, mate.


Amazon, Apple, Tesla, Microsoft. They are all due for a correction they cannot be at their ATH with their sales in the toilet. If SQQQ isnt 12 dollars a share by monday morning I will

Who the fuck am I kidding, SQQQ will be 6 dollars a share tomorrow

I have wellsfargo.. and honestly never really use them.. my business accounts at other places I just transfer the money to my crypto.com card and spend from there... I think out of most banks Wellsfargo is one of the best though.. just don't see banks doing well when there are so many cash managing apps and crypto putting their foot in the door

How bout PLUG

All those are worth researching? Anything additional?

>>Who the fuck am I kidding, SQQQ will be 6 dollars a share tomorrow
Who the hell is pumping NASDAQ? And don't tell me "dumb money." Robinhoodies have little effect on prices. You can check out the charts here:

*You* will still pay interest on *your* mortgage.

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just get a decent oil ETF

>Who the fuck am I kidding, SQQQ will be 6 dollars a share tomorrow
Please no. I have so much money ridding on NASDAQ crashing.

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>zoom at 220
Please tell me that shorts pumped it

I have HUC on TSX. It fairly closely tracks next december oil futures.

I do too, but Nasdaq go brrrrrrr

stocks only go down now

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What's gonna happen to my GRUB?

They just got bought by some company in Amsterdam

Dropping out of TSLA, putting all of it on MGM. Am I retarded?

>They are all due for a correction
based on what? gut feeling? wishful thinking?
they've only just touched into overbought territory today. And historically, confidence was incredibly high in this that they can stayed in overbought territory for weeks

yooooo these futures holy shit lol

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I bought higher on some and I'm sitting. It hurts but I can't admit defeat yet

I should have seen this fucking rotation back into tech on Monday and sold all my positions, grabbed SPY puts, and went into literally any tech stock. I even thought about getting TSLA calls and decided against it. Mother fucker.
Now I'm bag holding every bag there is to hold. REITs, travel and airlines, and banks. God fucking damn it.

Don't rope MSFT and AAPL with AMZN and TSLA

holy shit lol
do you just FOMO into literally everything in your watchlist

This might as well be a Zig Forums index and there is money to be made shorting literally all of it

NIO spike soon methink

Same as they are every night this time

why am I dyslexic?
>they've only just touched into overbought territory today
Nigger, what? This shit was considered overbought when times were good.
Great, no?

God fucking dammit Jerome.

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If you haven't learned by now to always keep some TSLA as an investment, you're hopeless.


Great meme portfolio.

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Stocks only go down?

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futures are going to hit -1.0%
fucking hell
the day of the bear has come