This is a smart money buy, holy christ.
Current marketcap ~$26,000,000

ZCASH ~$514,000,000
XMR ~$1,227,000,000
DASH ~$749,000,000

Even if it can take just 10% of ZCASH marketcap, GHOST will be $3.25

It takes 25%, GHOST will be $8.00

Don't be stupid.

Attached: ghost_cell.png (900x900, 486.78K)

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You guys literally need to do your research GHOST is actually building tech that is easy to use for the average Joe and not sacrificing your privacy.

I like it

How about no, John

Tfw you bought 2.5k at 40 cents and got restless and sold at 1.00

buy in now

Just get back in.

hows $6.50 USD by EOM sound?

I’d rather wait and see if any of the promises are delivered. I have no interest in buying an ERC 20 placeholder bauble made by a fugitive drug addict.

Based 2017 digits.
$6.50 by June 30th confirmed.

Attached: 1590519776791.jpg (1600x1200, 411.75K)