Non Pajeet Edition

The private $2MM pre-sale just ended.

-The DMM created the DMM DAO (DMG token)
-The DMM teamed up with Chainlink back in March
-The DMM also teamed up with the DXdao

I'm getting slight FOMO on this one, there's alot to be excited about:

DeFi is the next big meme
Novel DeFi concept (Collateralizing real world assets)
Very small ICO
No hype - Possibly mimicking LINKs ICO?
CIA Spook founder with mad experience in FinTech
Tim Draper meme backer
Using LINK, partnered with major exchanges (CoinBase, Huobi)
One partner is 'Gnosis' - Someone call 42

Literal who team
Possibly dodgy real world 'assets'

Relevant threads:

Attached: DMM DAO.jpg (1200x628, 21.15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Top 10 wallet checking in!!!

This is the next 100x.
Secured by Chainlink Oracles and working closely with the team.
Seal of Approval from ChainlinkGod and Rory
Backed by Coinbase, Draper, and Huobi
They buy real world assets yielding 12% and pay out 6% to m token holders, giving the rest to DMG holders (6% on millions)

But wait it gets better....
CEO is ex CIA and has 3 decades experience building FinTech applications and finance platforms, talk about CHADWICK.
This is only REAL USE case of Defi not scam inflationary SNX bullshit where they print money out of thin air to prop their marketcap with bullshit. Actual real world yielding assets.
In a world with 0% rates and no yields, everyone will be moving to this space and particularly this project. They have the most legit connections and prestige.

It gets even juicier.
Incredibly tiny float, only 25m will be issued in ICO, this is just like Chainlink's ICO.
At 20c this is only valuing this at 5m, yet the underlying assets they ALREADY own is worth 8.5m.
Their lending deposits are going parabolic in a month they should have 50m in deposits giving them access to buy 50m worth of assets x whatever financing they will get.
This will go to $10 easily. It is a multi trillion dollar market.
DeFi is only used right not to make speculative bullshit CDP and flash loans, this unlocks tremendous potential by allowing anyone to partipate in crowdsource financing.
Next up they will purchase homes, cars, boats and give the proceeds to m Tokens and DMG holders.

If you know you know....

Did you get into the presale or get it on Uniswap or Airswap? Do you know what the final price of the pre sale was?

I was able to pick up 50 eth worth as one of the last couple blocks in the private pre-sale using the leaked password. They changed the password as I was wrapping my eth, but I had already logged in and kept the page open (THANK FUCKING GOD). I will tell my grandkids that story one day. I haven't been this excited about crypto since LINK ico desu

Attached: IMG_20200606_225508.png (144x182, 39.11K)

>Non Pajeet Edition
>rehashed twitter logo
>glowie CEO
>unannounced ico that suddenly appeared on biz with aggressive shilling
>ponzi scheme mechanic in presale pricing
>constant "ico password leaks"

Who's doing OTC? Uniswap is expensive.

Absolutely seething lmfaooooo

Who's going to actually control the assets and why are they comfortable with promising investors 6% steady return?
So basically is it like a decentralized holding company? How come they don't have restriction on ico participants jurisdiction?

>rehashed twitter logo
meh it's not great. Leaves potential for a LEND style rebrand.

>glowie CEO
that's one of the good parts

>unannounced ico that suddenly appeared on biz with aggressive shilling
can't deny the aggressive shilling - it did come out of nowhere. But it also seems like the first non-utter shitcoin in a while.

>ponzi scheme mechanic in presale pricing
Dodgy for sure - it started at $0.16 and ended at $0.32??? Can anyone confirm?

>constant "ico password leaks"
LINK ICO was a clusterfuck too

Whitest team of a coin shilled here in ages.

well done user


----final price for each payment method with the last transaction for that payment:

USDC: $0.2752

DAI: $0.2538

ETH: 0.0011598

I'm gonna take one for the team and reply to pasta.

>They buy real world assets yielding 12% and pay out 6% to m token holders, giving the rest to DMG holders (6% on millions)
What fucking assets pay 12% annually?

>CEO is ex CIA and has 3 decades experience building FinTech applications and finance platforms, talk about CHADWICK.
This is only REAL USE case of Defi not scam inflationary SNX bullshit where they print money out of thin air to prop their marketcap with bullshit. Actual real world yielding assets.
In a world with 0% rates and no yields, everyone will be moving to this space and particularly this project. They have the most legit connections and prestige.
Bullish for sure - one of the main selling points. It's not just another borrowing/lending/trading platform.

>It gets even juicier.
Incredibly tiny float, only 25m will be issued in ICO, this is just like Chainlink's ICO.
At 20c this is only valuing this at 5m, yet the underlying assets they ALREADY own is worth 8.5m.
Their lending deposits are going parabolic in a month they should have 50m in deposits giving them access to buy 50m worth of assets x whatever financing they will get.
This will go to $10 easily. It is a multi trillion dollar market.
DeFi is only used right not to make speculative bullshit CDP and flash loans, this unlocks tremendous potential by allowing anyone to partipate in crowdsource financing.
Next up they will purchase homes, cars, boats and give the proceeds to m Tokens and DMG holders.
Does anyone have any fucking links to info on the presale or the public sale?

That DAI transaction is only for $2k and it was most likely someone close to the team that got a pass to buy at a lower limit.

No one is actually discussing it. Its the same copy pasted put into each thread, golloeed by generic make it/ suicide stacks, next 1000 etc.

Same comments posted as replies. Clearly a group behind it. Its like people forgot what happened with the dxdao (its legit though) where people hsd bought at 0.14 and were selling ay 0.42.

Watch out now biz lol

I'm here, I'm gonna discuss and dig. I've been lurking here for months and missed AAVE, but this may well be the next big DeFi meme.

Public Sale price for June 22nd confirmed:


Attached: dmmdao.png (410x171, 20.59K)

Can you ask for more info on the public sale? Is that Telegram?

join discord

Trading on :

Order book exchange here
I'm literally freaking out right now public sale might be sold out in an instant

Wouldn't put orders at $1 unless you like re-buying at $2.

just missed buying at 0.0014, around 9 ETH worth was available and just got bought up in a flash

0.0017 on airswap pretty sweet


i only wish my coinbase pro deposit of $22K hit so I could cross 400k DMG. FUCK trad markets. ugh.

Coinbase will 110% list this. If it does not happen, I will leave Zig Forums forever. Screenshot this.

If this is like ChainLink it will drop down to 20 cents. If this is like dxdao scam the value will plummet to 0. Why did DMG give 2MILLION DMG to DxDao? What did they mean by this

Chainlink ICO was 11 cents, retardo

A team like that......... Amazing........ We are lucky to be alive now to witness and buy this token when list

good info

Attached: sddsdasdyh.png (1319x878, 305.26K)

is this a joke? there's nothing in this document


The document is fine. Your computer must be glitching

Attached: (1080x2340, 792.94K)